Page 28 of Off the Record

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Compared to other partiesI’d thrown, this was a small event.Smallish.

About two hundred people milled around the back lawn of my property enjoying an open bar, passed champagne, canapés, and a spread of oysters, shrimp, caviar, and sushi set up on a table on the edge of the veranda. A four-piece orchestra serenaded the crowd from the pool deck, and two magicians threaded the crowd, entertaining guests with card tricks. Off to the side, a mountain of sparkly green gift bags full of Chatter gear waited to go home with guests when they departed. I made a mental note to give Peggy a sizeable bonus in her upcoming check; I’d relied on her to coordinate the evening and she outdid herself with how smoothly she’d handled the task. She really was indispensable and deserved much more than what she was being paid. I made a mental note to give her a raise on her next paycheck.

“Great evening.” Robert handed me a fresh glass of wine. I accepted it, even though I knew I wouldn’t drink a drop. I never got sloshed at my own events; the loss of control was too risky. “A huge success.”


“You should be happy. We’re in the homestretch of all this.”

Robert clapped me on the shoulder, a familiarity I didn’t allow many people to have. With him, though, things were different. They were always different with Robert.

“I have to admit, when you said you wanted to buy Chatter last year, I didn’t think we’d be able to make it happen.”


“Too risky. Too expensive. And too...controversial.”

I bristled a little as I placed the unwanted wine glass on the nearby bar table, one wrapped in black cloth and set up across the lawn with several dozen others. Over the last year, the Chatter purchase had been a bit of a sticking point between us; a rare disagreement that strained our relationship the smallest bit.Fuck, I thought he’d be over this by now.“You should know by now not to underestimate me.”

“I don’t.” He gave a curt nod.

“Never expected to be the owner of a social media company, I’ll admit that.”

“I’mthe owner,” I reminded him. “You’re a partner.”

“You’re right, but you know what I mean.” Robert raised his glass of white wine in a mock toast. “If anyone can put Chatter on the right path, it’s you.”

“And if that doesn’t work out, we can divide it up and sell off the pieces.” I laughed at my own joke. “Exit liquidity.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Robert gulped down some more wine and surveyed the party. “Is Rebecca Owens here?”

“Not yet.”

“Why not? Did you invite her?”
