Page 29 of Off the Record

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“I did.” I checked my watch. I’d told her the night started at seven, and it was nearly seven thirty.Where the hell is she?"Figured she’d like to come. She’s staying at the pool house.”

“You switched it? The travel office booked her at the Hilton.”

“You told me she needed to see the real me, and I needed to open up to people more, so I figured I’d take your advice.”


“And nothing.” I stepped away from Robert. Looking past him gave me a clear view of the pool house, and she’d just exited the front door. “Here she comes.”

She crossed the manicured grass still wearing the plain, conservative black sundress from earlier, her hair in a small twist. Against the rest of the crowd, it was obvious she was woefully underdressed; Palm Beachers made going out an art form, and they lived for evening gowns, diamonds, and furs on seventy-five-degree nights. Rebecca looked like the hired help.

And in a way, she was.Sexy hired help, though...

“There you are,” I said when Rebecca reached my side, her sandals sinking into the soft grass as she teetered toward me.

“Sorry I’m a little late. I got caught up going over my notes.”

“Did he give you a lot of material today?” Robert asked.

“Plenty.” Her gaze darted to mine, and I saw a hint something electric behind her eyes before it quickly flickered away and she returned her attention to my business partner. “Are you ready for tomorrow’s festivities?”

“As ready as we can be,” Robert replied. “This is certainly a long time coming.”

“It’s a beautiful night to celebrate.”

“It is.” I took a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and handed it to her. “Here you go. Unless you’re still in reporter mode.”

“I’malwaysin reporter mode.”

Robert chuckled and sloshed back what remained of his drink. “This is why I wanted her to do the profile on you, Landon. She’s a hard worker.”

“And fair. I can’t be bought.” She sipped the fizzy alcohol but left most of it in her glass. I wondered if she had a similar rule as I did about alcohol. “But tonight, I’m giving myself a break. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a party, and never one like this.”

“Let me introduce you to a few folks, then. You might get some good material for a few future profiles.” I offered her my arm.

She took another, longer sip of her drink, smiled, and placed the now empty serving on the bar table. “Let’s do it.”

When she touched my arm, a shiver pulsed through me. There it was again.Damn.I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to someone who was almost surely writing a blistering, possibly negative profile on me. But I was. There was no denying it. I liked Rebecca. Wanted her. Maybe even needed her.

That made her dangerous.
