Page 45 of Brutal Conquest

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I grip his shoulders hard and whimper. I shouldn’t want this man. I can’t want this man. Dad’s upstairs suffering, and I’m down here almost kissing his brother. He’s twice my age, and we’re family, for God’s sake.

“Uncle Kristian,” I whisper. I try to saydon’tbut I can’t make myself form the word.

He slides his hands around my ass and pulls me tighter against his body. He’s looking at me like he’s never seen anything so beautiful in his life. With burning lips he plants kisses to my throat, and then moves his lips to my ear and whispers, “Tell me one thing. Last night. Did you enjoy my tongue?”

I close my eyes and breathe hard. It took him a hot second to find my clit and apply the perfect amount of pressure and friction with his wet tongue. There was so much love and adoration in the way he moved against me. How could I not love that? How could I not want that again and again? Even now that I know who it was and that I’m a sick, twisted slut for loving the feel of my uncle’s tongue on my sex.

“I need to take care of you in all the ways,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting over mine. “I want us to be like we always were, but closer than ever. Family is the most important thing to me.”

My family. My muscle. My protector. My…lover?

There’s so much about him I don’t know. What he’s been doing these past two years. Where he’s been. Who he’s been with. Has there been a woman? He exudes so much sexual confidence, and yet, I’ve never seen him with a woman. I’ve barely noticed him even look at a woman, but he must like women if he’s touching me like this and burning up against me.

Apparently he likes strippers.

I huff as I remember that photo. Every few months it resurfaces in one of my social media feeds, and I’m filled with volcanic rage at the sight of it. In between wondering whether that kiss meant anything, I’ve been jealous of that stripper on his lap. That’smyuncle she’s sitting on. How dare she? How darehe?

Now I’m supposed to forget all that and welcome him back?

Uncle Kristian pulls back and frowns at me. “What are you thinking about? You’re tense all of a sudden.”

I suck my lower lip into my mouth and watch him watch me do it. I could forget all about that photo and lose myself in Uncle Kristian’s kisses. He’ll do whatever I want. I could lay back on this table and ask him to use his mouth on me like he did last night, and he would without question.

I lean back on my elbows, my thighs dragging up his hips and gathering him closer. Uncle Kristian reaches for the button on my jeans with lust burning in his gaze, ready to give me the bliss of his mouth.

But before he can undo my jeans and get his mouth on me, I stop him with a squeeze of my thighs and ask, “Been to any good strip clubs lately, Uncle?”



Iglance up in confusion. “Have I what?”

Anger flickers in those jewel-blue eyes of hers, and she digs her tapered nails into my shoulders. The pain is heavenly. I hope she leaves ten little pinpricks on my skin.

“I’ve never seen you with a woman before, but I guess brunettes are your type.”

“Brunettes are not my type.”

“That stripper was a brunette,” she points out.

“For the record, my only type is…” I run my fingers through her hair, admiring the silky tresses, and then lift a lock to my lips and kiss it. “…you.”

Zenya gives me an angry look like she thinks I’m full of shit. She never used to believe me when I told her that she’s beautiful, exquisite, entrancing, and now she finds it downright insulting. Like I’m mocking her.

She pushes me away and sits up. “I don’t know what you think you’re going to gain by coming back here, but if you want me to persuade Dad to change his will to make you heir again, then you’re in for a rude shock. I grew up while you were gone. Sixteen-year-old me would have done anything her darling Uncle Kristian asked of her, but I’ve learned to stand on my own two feet in the past two years.”

I cast my eyes over her beautiful face, which is currently blazing with anger and more beautiful than ever. I can see that for myself. I glance at the button on her jeans. I should be going down on her right now and sinking a careful finger into her virgin pussy. I want to explore every single way to make her moan, but apparently she doesn’t want to come.

She wants to fight.

Fine. I enjoy foreplay as much as the next man.

I grasp the table either on side of her body and move in close. “I told you. I want to be your protector. You think I came back here for money and power? Sure, I want money and power, but if that wasallI craved I would have stayed where I was. I was well on my way to becomingPakhanof that last city. The people there were weak. Pathetic.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “And how are you going to get money and power here?”

I smile and close in on her mouth for a kiss.
