Page 25 of Wildcard

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I look at the pill in his palm. I hate pills. “They make me loopy.” I pout.

He turns onto his side and hovers over me, giving me his sexiest grin. “So, what happens when you get loopy? Do you talk in your sleep and share all your secrets? Ooh, I know, you declare war and plan a coup to take over a South American country, and instead of a kingdom, you call it Charlidom,” he teases. I can’t help but laugh at his silliness. His eyes twinkle, and his dramatic expression makes it even funnier.

“You’re crazy,” I say, and playfully slap his chest.

“That I am. Crazy for a beautiful woman with hair so soft and eyes you can lose yourself in. And let’s not forget the way your body fits with mine. It’s like you were made for me, and if I can make you laugh like that and see the sparkle shine through, then I’m going to find a way to do that often,” Wildcard says, stroking my hair and lowering his mouth to kiss me softly. It’s a sweet, long kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth, then nipping at my lower lip. “I have to stop, baby. You need to rest.” He touches his forehead to mine. “Please take the pill. I promise to stop you if you start planning a government takeover.”

I smile and hold out my hand. “Okay, but you’re taking the fate of the world in your hands. A country to call my own sounds pretty sweet.”

After I take my meds, Wildcard leaves to check that the house is secure once more. I must have drifted off, because the next thing I know, a warm. thick arm bands around my middle, pulling me close. He fits his body against mine. Wildcard’s right, we fit together perfectly.

“Night, dollface.”

“Night, Emmet.” A kiss to my temple is the last thing I remember before it’s lights out. I’ve been shot, my father is dead, and yet, this one moment where Emmet is holding me tells me I’m going to be okay.


Pink Glitter Explosion


Waking to an empty bed wasn’t what I hoped for, but the smell of bacon frying and coffee brewing makes my belly grumble. My need for bacon drives me to shimmy to the edge of the bed and gingerly glide my good leg to the floor. So far, so good! Next up, I slide my bandaged leg to join the other. Okay, now for the grand finale: getting up.

I push myself up to stand and stagger, completely misreading the amount of pressure my leg would be under. I moan in pain as I grab the chair to stop from falling. I’m taking deep breaths and trying to decide if bacon is worth trying to take another stab at making it to the door when the bedroom door is pushed open with a bang and Wildcard is standing there, his brow furrowed, arms crossed over his chest, concern written on his face.

“What are you doing out of bed?” he asks with his hands on his hips, tight jawed and obviously super annoyed.

I say the word that I think explains it all. “Bacon.” I lift my shoulders to my ears, giving him my best pout.

“Baby, you just earned yourself a spanking. It’ll have to wait until you’re fighting fit, but I’m tanning that ass for scaring the life out of me.” In two large strides, he comes to my side, then lifts me into his arms, careful not to hurt me, and carries me through to the living room. “Noah, grab some pillows from the bedroom,” he orders, and puts me down.

Noah hustles and comes back with the pillows in hand, giving them over as Wildcard shoves the coffee table closer and eases my legs onto the padded surface. Thinking ahead, Noah grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed and now tucks me in with it.

I want to laugh, but I bite my lip instead and keep my head down because it seems that Wildcard wouldn’t appreciate the humor in this moment. In my entire life, the only one who ever cared for me as much as Wildcard does was Mom. As I peer up at him through my lashes, I unequivocally, undeniably know he’s my one. When he lifts his gaze to me, he sees me staring. He tilts his head to one side and breaks out in a dashing smile that sets my heart racing.

Wildcard dips forward. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll have to find a creative way to get rid of your brother and kiss you stupid,” he whispers. I break out laughing. I toss my head back just in time to have his mouth meet mine in an all-consuming, devouring kiss, with a promise of what’s to come.

“Guys, really!” Noah exclaims. “I’m right here.”

“Don’t move. I’ll get breakfast,” Wildcard says, as he struts out of the room. He’s beautiful coming or going.

* * *

It’s midafternoon,and Wildcard is dropping off Noah at the garage for a change of pace and to meet with Guard and the guys. Noah needs to keep his brain busy, or he’ll start thinking too hard about all that’s happened. War has been great with him and seems to think he has a real knack with cars and bikes. Risk is on duty and is outside on the small porch making some calls, and I’m bored out of my mind. I haven’t been this still in years. It doesn’t help that every time I move, Wildcard sends me a warning glare. I finally had to tell him that nature was calling and there are some places he’s not going to be coming with me. After all, a woman’s bathroom time is sacred!

Still, he carried me over and waited outside the door for me to be done. I managed to brush my teeth and comb out my hair, tying it in a high ponytail. It wasn’t easy, but I got into a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater, but by that time, I was exhausted again. Which suited Wildcard just fine, because then he didn’t have to concern himself with me doing something I shouldn’t.

Saint came by as promised and re-dressed the wound. He snickered under his breath whenever Wildcard would sigh heavily, which was each and every time Saint touched my thigh.

Now, I’m flipping through the channels for what seems the thousandth time, for what will be a waste of time. Suddenly, a bevy of ladies make their way through the door. All are carrying packages and bags.

“Your entourage is here, gorgeous,” Vi cries out exuberantly, lifting her tote-carrying hands in the air.

“Geez, Vi. Calm down. Maybe Charlotte was resting,” Ava banters with her bestie.

“She can rest when we leave,” VI retorts.

“We brought loads of goodies,” Abigail says, bringing the group back on course.
