Page 8 of Wildcard

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“There’s a lot he doesn’t know about my dad,” I say hesitantly.

“So tell him.”

“What if—”

“Wildcard has a past of his own. I don’t know much because our men hold things close to themselves. It’s his story to tell. However, I will say this: he’s never let down any of us, and I can’t imagine he ever would. When you mean something to Wildcard, it’s for life,” Ava says. “I must be on my way, but I’m a phone call away if you need me.”

“Thanks for the impromptu girls get-together.”

“Anytime. This is the best group of men and women you’ll ever know. The men have a brotherhood, and we have the Lady Pride, and you’re part of us now,” Ava says, then she heads out the door with a little wave.


Lean on Us


Iwatch from the window as Millie moves about the diner and Charlotte clears off the tables for the dinner rush. It’s typical that Millie makes sure Charlotte takes her break. Charlotte works hard and often forgets. Millie will push Charlotte out the front door to take a breather before their regulars come in.

And there it is. You can faintly hear Millie saying, “You need to take a break. Here, take this,” as she hands her a cookie. “You don’t eat enough.” She practically shoves Charlotte out the door. Charlotte walks to the picnic table off to the side, and I walk over to her.

“Hey, Charlotte.”

“Guard.” She’s startled. “Is Noah all right?”

“Kid’s great. Saw you out here, thought I’d give you some company,” I say. She’s not buying it, but she moves over so I can sit next to her. “Wildcard’s a good man.”

She jerks her head up and meets my eyes. “I know.”

“He’ll tell you himself, he hasn’t had an easy time of it.” I wait for her reaction, but she simply sits quietly and listens. “It’s the unknown that scares us. It’s easy when we’re on a set path and can clearly see the road ahead. Unfortunately, it’s not realistic. Storms brew, dark clouds make it hard to see the path, a thick fog can throw us off course, and sometimes, we end up in a ditch. Takes a long time to get yourself out, and sometimes, we need a friend to lend a hand.”

“Wildcard was in a storm?”

“We’ve all come across storms. They test our endurance, our ability to work through the difficult moments. They even teach us who and what to trust. Our instincts and those people who are true friends.” I pause, giving her time to take in what I’m saying. “It’s not my place to share. He’ll tell you because he’s able to do that now. Wildcard, our Emmet, he’s learned how to trust. It took a bunch of rowdy bikers, and let’s not forget the strongest women I know, to get him there, but here he is, standing tall and wanting to be with you. You mean something to him, Charlotte. I know this.” I put my hand over my heart. “In here.”

Her lower lip trembles, tears threatening to fall. “He may not.”

“Whatever you’re holding on to, you can let it go. You’re safe with him.”

The dam of tears bursts wide open, and I wrap a consoling arm around her shoulders.

“He—hera-rape—raped me,” she whispers into my chest, her shoulders now heaving in despair.

Millie’s looking out the window, watching the scene unfold. With just one glance, she understands that Charlotte won’t be back for the rest of her shift. She’s a good woman. She reads people well, almost as well as I do.

Shit! I hold it together, barely, allowing her to cry and get it out. I ask the question I already know the answer to, but I need to confirm. “Your father?”

“Y-Yes.” I continue to hold her, blowing out a deep breath and closing my eyes. That changes the plans for tonight. This is going to rattle Wildcard. This hits too close to home. I wait for the sobs to subside and for her to pull away. “Wildcard—”

“This will not affect his decision one little bit,” I tell her. “But you have to trust me. When you tell him, and I suggest you do this soon, he needs to be around his brothers.”

“Why?” she asks, wiping her wet cheeks.

“This is where you need to trust that I have your best interests andhisin mind. Can you do that for me?”

“He’s supposed to be coming here in less than an hour.” The light dawns, and she glances at her watch. “Oh my God, I have to get back to work.” She pulls away and adjusts her uniform.

“Millie’s giving you the rest of the night off.”
