Page 17 of Scarred Devil

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Frankly, I don’t give a fuck.

“Clean up the mess,” I tell Petrov without tearing my gaze from Aurora. It irks me to admit to myself that I’m unsettled as I run appraising eyes over my future bride. Her beauty is magnetic in a way that claws at my gut…and tightens my balls almost painfully.

Lustrous black hair is piled into a sleek bun on top of her head. As I stare, I wonder what it will be like when she releases it, how it would feel to twist my fingers into that silken mass. I tear my eyes from her wide dark ones and drift a glance to cupid-shaped lips beneath a pert little nose.

Fuck, those lips are exquisite.

I want to devour them…along with the creamy skin that’s practically begging to be marked by my teeth down her silky throat and shoulders. Jesus, I could happily devour every inch of her. Though her ass…that I’d turn red with the palm of my hand while I fucked her till she screamed.

My dick starts straining against my trousers as I think of it. The picture of that girl who captivated me years ago barely does her justice now.

Yes…she will do nicely…

And she is mine.

Aurora stares at me, unmoving. She looks like she thinks I’m about to put a bullet in her head. This amuses me, but I keep my expression blank.

I don’t give a passing thought to the man I’ve taken down. I know Petrov will do a clean job searching the area for any other attackers. I will deal with the rest after this dinner. I must find out who sent the man…but not before enjoying a delectable dinner with my wife-to-be.


I like the sound of that. However, it would be more satisfying if she were already my wife.

Then she will be completely mine.

I watch Aurora’s eyes drift to my eyebrow and I fight the compulsion to stroke the deep scar there.

Do my looks scare her?

For some reason, the thought of Aurora being repulsed by me doesn’t sit well with me. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this emotion. I don’t care about others’ opinions about me, but somehow with her, it rankles.

Maybe it’s because she’s so young. I can’t help but notice how unspoiled she is. “Pure” her father had insisted, as if that should add value to her. Not that I’ve ever set stock in such things, but there’s suddenly something appealing about knowing she’s untouched…all mine…unsullied by any other man. I grin at the thought of how pleasing it will be to educate my virgin bride.

Catching my expression, she gnaws her bottom lip, again highlighting how young she seems. According to De Luca’s reports, she is just twenty-four, meaning I’m twelve years older.

A selfish part of me doesn’t care about this. Her alluring beauty calls out to me like a siren song.

Aurora…Like the rising sun. It seems so appropriate.Solnishko, I think of the Russian translation as I stare at her. A perfect name for a beautiful woman.

“All clear, Boss,” Petrov says behind me. For the first time since I entered the restaurant, I take my eyes off my beauty.

I glance at Petrov silently, asking him without words if the host is clean. He nods in confirmation, and I relax. My mind drifts to the idiot I just shot, and for a brief moment, wondering if De Luca is responsible. I glance back at Aurora, wondering what he would stand to gain if he attempted to kill me just as I’m about to wed his daughter. It can’t be De Luca. I try to think of other enemies who could possibly be behind the attack.

Could this have something to do with fucking Garret?

An assassination attempt when I’m just about to meet my wife-to-be?

Either way, it’s a matter that I must look into. The fucker came too close to home and I can’t allow that to happen again. He must have been counting on the fact that I’ll be distracted. If that’s true, he must have known that I’m coming here to meet my bride.

I need to be more careful.

I see color slowly returning to Aurora’s face.

“Ignore that nonsense. Things like that happen from time to time,” I say, waving in the direction where I had gunned down the man.

“You mean killing an innocent man on a whim?” she asks.

I’m amazed at the fierce look she gives me. It is like she wants to challenge me. It’s refreshing. I can’t remember the last time someone stood up to me. Most people fear for their heads, but Aurora is different.
