Page 16 of Scarred Devil

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All hard edges and jutting jawline, there’s no softness in that face. It’s a face of savage beauty, a face that’s witnessed violence, and, no doubt, returned it. Even in the dim light of the restaurant, I can see the scar that mars his eyebrow, carving a groove to his cheek that must have narrowly missed his eye.

Holy shit, it’s him!

He certainly doesn’t look as repulsive as I had thought!

And then he sees me.

I feel the host tense beside me before the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen land on me. I’m transfixed, my flesh burning where his eyes run over it. He may as well have reached out and run a fingertip down my throat and over my chest. In spite of myself, my nipples tighten and I press my thighs together.

What the hell is wrong with you, Aurora?

Get your act together!

I barely notice the four men who follow closely behind him as the Devil traps me with his eyes. I can’t bring myself to break from the hold that stare has over me. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s a stare that’s promising things my traitorous body wants to know more of. A stare that has my breath trapped in my throat. No point in reaching for my water now; I’d probably choke on it.

He’s now moving toward me, purposeful as a prowling animal. But then something flickers in those glittering eyes, and I freeze when he suddenly pulls out a pistol.

Everything happens in a blur.

One minute, the pistol is out, and the next, he’s shooting in the direction of the kitchen. Yet he’s barely taken his eyes from me.

My breath seizes in my lungs as I hear a choking cry, followed by a loud thud. I glance toward the kitchen just in time to see a man drop like a stone. He is in a similar uniform to the host.

What the…?

Did he just randomly kill one of the kitchen staff?!

Fear fills me as he casually tucks the pistol into the back of his waistband and starts walking toward me.

Oh, my God!

He’s going to kill me!I think as he stalks up to me. I realize that the reality of the man walking toward me pales in comparison to what I’ve heard.

He’s not the Devil.

He’s worse than that.



I almost scoff as I see the fear in Aurora’s eyes.

I can only imagine what must be going through her mind as she sees me take down the fool who thought he could kill me. Thank fuck for my sharp instincts, or I would have been a dead man now.

I sensed I was being watched the moment I entered the restaurant, and I knew it wasn’t Aurora or the staff with her. I almost ignored the warning in my head when I locked my gaze with Aurora’s. It seemed like she was seeing right through my dark soul.

A soul beyond redemption.

I almost lost track of myself…until the movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I saw the fucker pull out the gun, and of course, I beat him to it. It’s something only a lifetime of experience can hardwire into a man.

They don't call me the Devil for nothing.

I reach the table and sit across from De Luca’s daughter. The color has drained from her face. She flinches as I glance disinterestedly at the security staff with her.

I’ll admit that I’m impressed that she didn’t allow me to order my men to bring her here tonight. Although, I would have done that if she had dared to stand me up.

From the look on her face, this is the last place she wants to be right now.
