Page 19 of Scarred Devil

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And when he touched me…

At this point, getting out of the deal is not my main concern. I’m going out of my mind as I think of Lev’s words about wanting him. I wonder if I had somehow given away my body’s reaction while we were talking.

How is he able to tell?

My nipples strain against my dress under the Devil’s smothering gaze. It is almost impossible to believe that someone will piss me off to no end — terrify me, even — and still arouse me with the same intensity. I wonder if I knocked my head or something.

Dammit, Aurora!

I should figure out a way to leave before I do something crazy, like throw myself at the man.

Lev snaps his fingers, and the host rushes toward our table. I wonder how he must feel that his colleague has just been killed.

“What would you like to eat?” Lev asks me. I fold my arms without saying anything. “Get us your specials of the day and add a bottle of your best wine. We’re celebrating,” Lev says with a pointed look in my direction.

“Of course, sir,” the host says before he bows and leaves.

“And what exactly are we celebrating?” I ask, rolling my eyes.

“Our wedding,” he replies with a shrug.

“What part of ‘we won’t be getting married’ don’t you understand?” I hiss while gritting my teeth. The man is insufferable!

“What part of ‘the wedding is going ahead, no matter what’ don’t you understand? As a matter of fact, I want this wedding to happen tomorrow,” he repeats as the host returns with our meal. The man places it on the table and sets the wine into an ice bucket before leaving.

I can’t believe that we are doing this again.

It’s exhausting.

And the fact that my panties are drenched, isn’t making my life easier right now.

Lev’s eyes drift to my neck, and for a moment and I wonder what he is thinking about. His cold, dark gaze makes it impossible to read his emotions.

“That’s it. I’m done with this conversation,” I say as I stand suddenly. I have to get out of here, even if it’s for a short time. I can’t bear the way my pussy is pulsing just because he is staring at me. I need a break to regain my sanity. “I won’t be changing my mind. It would be better if you found someone else who is eager to be married to you. That someone isn’t me,” I tell him as I step away from the table.

I am startled out of my mind when Lev’s hand snaps out and grabs my wrist. Everything happens so fast that I’m barely able to wrap my head around it. I ignore the feeling of his calloused palm against my wrist. For a moment, I think of him using his hands to caress the rest of my body. I think of his hard lips, and my pussy only gets wetter at the thought of his mouth mirroring the movement of his hands.

Jesus, Aurora, get your act together!

What the hell is wrong with you?

“What are you doing?” I say breathlessly as I try to remove my hand from his before I completely lose it.

Lev, who has not raised his head since I stood, finally tilts his chin up. I’m drawn into his cold blue eyes, and it leaves me mindless.

“Where do you think you are going?” he asks, his voice deadly calm.

“Leave me alone,” I say so breathlessly the words are barely a whisper. It is not my fault that he has taken over my senses. I wish this wasn’t the case. All the more reason I need to break away from him before he completely destroys me.

“You haven’t answered my question,” he says, scrutinizing me.

“Not that it’s any of your business but if you must know, I’m going home,” I reply while I glare at him.

He scoffs as he starts standing. This alarms me. I rapidly swallow as trepidation fills me. Maybe I should have kept my butt seated, and endured the rest of the dinner. Even in heels, I’m only 5’6”. He towers over me. I swallow as I raise my head and find him staring at me with an expression I can’t pinpoint.

His eyes glare and I can’t help the shivers that fill me. When he raises his other hand and gently cups my cheeks, I gasp. I bite my lips to stop myself from moaning when his thumb starts caressing my jaw.

All thoughts leave my mind at the sensation Lev is drawing out. I know if I don’t make him stop what he’s doing, I’ll lose it.
