Page 23 of Scarred Devil

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By the time we arrive at the chapel, the minister is already waiting for us. He stands without saying a word as soon as he sees me.

It only takes a few more minutes for Ludis to enter with two of my men holding Aurora by the arms. The sight of seeing someone else’s hands on my woman suddenly makes my blood boil. I can’t explain why, but I want to tear them off her body. As ridiculous as the idea seems, I want to be the only one who touches her.

“Get your hands off her,” I snap, and the men immediately release her. My irrational rage subsides almost immediately.

“How kind of you,” Aurora scoffs as soon as she is free.

“I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me, didn’t I?” I take a step toward her ignoring the jab in her statement.

“Is that why you asked your men to kidnap me?” she retorts.

“I wouldn’t have had to if you had come quietly like you were supposed to,” I tell her softly. Despite my annoyance, staring at her leaves me mesmerized by her beauty. If anything, she looks even more gorgeous today than she did at dinner. I can hardly wait to tear the dress off her and reveal her soft flesh underneath.

“In your dreams,” she says with another scoff. Instead of feeling fury, I’m starting to feel amused. She is still fighting me, even though it is clear that I’m winning. I almost can’t believe the fire in her though. Not only is she not afraid of me like everyone else is, but she’s still giving me a hard time. It’s like the fight in her never runs out.

Never mind that, though. Her attitude only makes this more exciting. It’s only a matter of time before she gives in. Maybe deep down, she’s also starting to enjoy our little game.

It’s only foreplay.

I reach out and cup her jaw. She tries to pry my hand from her face, but I don’t let her. I hold her face firmly while caressing her soft cheek with my thumb.

“Solnishko, why do you fight me so much?” I whisper as I lean toward her ear.

“I don’t want this. Let me go,” she whispers back as I stare into her eyes. If I was a decent man, I would have ignored my desires and done as she has asked.

I’m anything but a decent man.

“That will never happen,Solnishko.” I give her a hard stare before I pull back. The door opens, and Aurora’s father and brother enter.

“Ivanov,” her father greets me with a nod. I notice the glare he throws at Aurora.

“De Luca,” I respond as I step away from his daughter.

I see the pain on Aurora’s face as she looks at her father, the man who sold her to me, and suddenly, an inexplicable feeling takes over me. A drizzle of doubt creeps into my rigid heart. Something I haven’t felt in a long time.

I don’t like seeing her unhappy. The sensation is unfamiliar, uncomfortable even, as I observe her obvious misery. As my wife, it is my duty to ensure she’s happy. It is what a man does, after all… take care of his family. And I’ll do anything necessary to do that.

Anything except not having her.

I don’t like her pain as she looks at me, though..

Is the idea of being my wife really so abhorrent?

Is it because of my disfigured face?

The thought gnaws in a way that surprises me, but I shake it off. Caring about people’s opinions of me is not something I give time to. Caring about people in general is something I’ve learned not to do. It only leaves me weak. Holding anything near my heart leaves me at risk of having it ripped away from me.

Suddenly, I think of my mother and sister. The way I found them lying in a pool of blood.

That will never happen again.


“We can begin the ceremony.” I turn to face the minister before Aurora’s eyes can melt me any further.

I reach out to grab her hand and start taking steps toward the minister. It’s no easy task. I all but drag Aurora, who tries to plant her feet on the floor.

Infuriating woman!
