Page 34 of Scarred Devil

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I snap out of my thoughts when Drew’s hand connects sharply with my jaw.

The hit isn’t strong since this is a training ground, so I stand unmoved, but I know he got me in my moment of distraction.

Yeah, Aurora’s driving me to distraction, all right.


I need to get her out of my head.

It’s not safe to let it be so obvious that I’m preoccupied with this woman. If my enemies learn that there is someone I care about—


I dash the thought away. Idon’tcare about her. She’ll warm my bed, empty my balls, and carry my heirs. That’s her job, and that’s all I’m interested in.

“Taking a break,” I announce as I walk away from the team. The other men don’t stop sparring as I head to a quiet spot.

“Is there a problem?” I know it’s Ludis, but I remain unmoving as he sits beside me. I refuse to say anything as I watch the men on the field. “Boss?” he says with a questioning look.

“What makes you think there’s a problem?” I ask as I turn to face him. He gives me an uncertain glance before he shrugs.

“You’ve been ‘off’ lately. You’ve also doubled the training sessions. It’s like you’re preparing for war,” Ludis says.

“What if I am?” I say bluntly. His eyes widen a fraction before his face becomes blank.

“There is nothing wrong with that. Considering Petrov—” He stops abruptly and I snap a look at him.

“Considering Petrovwhat?” I demand. Ludis shakes his head.

“Nothing! I… Nothing,” he says firmly., “Who are we going up against?” he asks abruptly.

I observe him silently. This conversation is strange. I don’t like it.

“No one in particular,” I finally tell him as I stand. It’s clear he’s not going to say anything further. Not without a beating…and as my cousin, that would not look good. He gives me a puzzled look but says nothing.And I’m not about to flip my cards to him.“How did the Spanish meeting go?” I change the subject.

One of my brigadiers, Yuri, has been in Spain for weeks arranging a shipment of arms to one of our major distributors there.

“Not well, Boss,” Ludis says, glancing at me. I narrow my eyes on him, wondering what had gone wrong with a deal that was supposed to go smoothly.

“Fill me in,” I snap.

Why didn’t he come to me with this news immediately?


They think I’m getting soft.

“He wants to pay less than what we are offering,” Ludis says.

“We give him the best prices available,” I argue.

“He said something about another supplier,” he responds. I work to keep my expression blank even though the alarm bells are going off in my head.

“What else did he say? Did he mention the name of his new supplier?” I’m curious to know how much this supplier has offered him.

“He didn’t give details of that, Boss,” Ludis says. My suspicions rise further. There has to be more to this bullshit.

“I’d like to be left alone,” I say. Ludis nods and leaves without a word, leaving me to mull over this new piece of information. My mind drifts to how two of our major distributors have also pulled out within the past two weeks. And now this. There must be more to this matter, and I can’t wait to find out who’s pulling the strings. I’ve been in this game too long to not see the connection between Garret’s betrayal, the assassin in the restaurant, and this fuckery with the suppliers.
