Page 41 of Scarred Devil

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The moment I’ve been secretly waiting for.

The moment I never wanted to admit I’ve been craving.

Resting on his elbow, his cock nudging against my throbbing pussy, he takes both my wrists in his hand and holds them up over my head.

“It’s easier if I go quick,” he says, his eyes still locked with mine.

“What?” I frown. I barely get the word out when he suddenly thrusts into me to the hilt.

“Fuck!” I scream as white heat sears through me. I feel like I’m being ripped apart from the inside out by his thick shaft. My back bows so sharply I almost lift us off the bed. His mouth closes over mine to suck away my hoarse cry, and I bite down on his lip so hard I taste the iron tang of blood.


At least more than one of us is bleeding here today.

I feel him go still as I fight the urge to kick and shove him away. Motionless…yet so overwhelming. I’m flooded by him, by his heat, by his size, by the huge hand pinning my wrists where my fingers are flexing and clenching into fists. He fills me to the brim, fills me in places I didn’t think existed.

“Look at me,” Lev demands as he raises his mouth from mine. My glazed eyes find his face as rational thought slowly begins to return. A tiny trickle of red streaks his full bottom lip, and I have an insane urge to lick it off. So I do, lifting my head and flicking my tongue out, sweeping it over his mouth.

He shudders. All that muscle and power and yet I watch him shut his eyes briefly as he struggles for control. Why do they say that men possess women during sex when it is so clearly the other way around? I own him now; every pulsating inch inside me is mine.

And that spearing heat is becoming something else. Something scorching in a different kind of way. My cheeks flush, my toes tingle and my nipples begin to throb in time with that clenching need within my core. My muscles tighten around him.

“Solnishko,” he groans that word again, and then follows it with a string of Russian that means nothing and everything as his lips move over my eyes, my cheeks, my forehead.

“Yes!” I gasp when he releases my wrists and I wrap my arms around his back. I clasp my calves over his hips, hooking my ankles behind the heavy muscles of his ass. There’s an electric urgency in me that I can’t identify. He’s still too much, and yet not enough.

“I need… I need… Please… Lev…” I hear myself babbling. And then he starts to move. I’m panting for breath as he begins to thrust; a rolling rhythm of his hips that has me teetering on the edge, and then easing me away.

Dear God, this can’t be real!

I remember reading somewhere that my first time probably wouldn’t be very good. Whoever wrote that shit hadnoidea.






I am in a different dimension as he keeps whispering Russian words into my ear. I really don’t care that I don’t understand what he is saying, the passion in his voice is all I need. It spurs my urgency and has me bucking up to meet him. I want him to let loose, I want him to unleash himself on me. As if he can read my mind, he grants my wish, increasing his speed, a sheen of sweat coating his skin as he pounds into me.

“Yes! Oh my God! Like that…just like that!” I cry out as I start feeling the build-up of what I know is going to be a mind-blowing climax.

“Aurora,” Lev grunts without easing his pace. The way he says my name is enough to push me to the edge.

“Oh… Oh, God!” I scream as the sudden wave of orgasm hits me and washes me away. “Lev!” His name tears from my throat as my inner muscles spasm around him. As if from a distance, I hear him grunt, and then he stiffens as he thrusts deep inside me. I slide my hands down the taut lines of his back to cup the heavy muscles of his ass. They tighten beneath my palms, jerking as he shudders and pours himself into me.

“MySolnishko,” he gasps into the curve of my throat.

I am in a breathless daze, trying to come to terms with what has just happened. This is deeper than I thought… and it scares me.

It scares me because I’m in awe of this feeling…and it scares me because heknew. The virgin bride bartered by a desperate criminal to keep the Devil at bay. What will I mean to him now that he’s had me?

