Page 42 of Scarred Devil

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That’s what.

In a few days, weeks, or maybe even a few months, he’ll tire of me. He’ll tire of me and return to the bed of one of the women he taunted me with. And then I’ll be lost in another loveless world where I’m worth nothing.

His lips move against my neck and I tighten my arms around him for one sweet moment. Inhaling the warm, musky scent of him. Tasting the salt of his sweat on my lips. And then I drop my arms beside us.

I can’t do this.

It’s too much.

All I can think of right now is to run as fast as I can before I lose the most precious thing left to me.

The only thing left to me.

Before I lose my heart to this man.



My mouth pulls to a grin as I stare at Aurora’s sleeping form.

My Solnishko.

She’s mine and she knows it.

I’m pleased that she finally admitted that she’s not as unaffected by me as she claimed. Even in her sleep, she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

I had no idea that teasing her about being with another woman would elicit such a strong reaction from her. I’m glad it did, or this night would not have ended so perfectly.

I settle back against the cushions, idly threading my fingers through her hair as I go back over events of the past few days. A tight pull in my shoulder reminds me that I’ll probably need that damn knife wound seen to. Too late for stitches, but fuck it. It’s not like it’s going to end my modeling career — just another reminder of the world I inhabit.

My own fault for letting my guard down, anyhow. The meeting with the Spanyard’s men went even worse than expected. I knew it was a crisis I’d have to manage myself, and sure enough, their other “supplier” made a surprise entrance. With Ludis out of sight, one of the bastards got a swing at me before I took his throat out.

Fucking Garret’s stench has filtered further than we realized.

And I’m expecting things to get worse. Things haven’t been going well, with important business deals being sabotaged. It’s even more annoying that I pursued a lead that didn’t get me anything tangible.

Someone is getting too close to my world.

Someone who threatens everything that matters.

Yesterday, when I returned Ludis presented me with a cardboard box that had been left outside the security gates. The bloody heart within hadn’t been human, but the blade plunged through it gave a message loud and clear.They’re after me. Afterus. Whoever they are, they came too close and they’re not fucking around. I’ve been in this game long enough to know that threats like this must be taken seriously.

Guard your heart, you stupid fuck!

No one close to me is safe.

Not even her.

I’m in the middle of these thoughts when Aurora’s eyelids flutter. I stare at her as she opens them and pouts at me.

Jesus, she’s a fucking angel.

For a moment, it occurs to me that I should not be dragging her into this hell with me. The hell that is about to break loose. But it’s too late to turn back now.

“Hey,” I say, realizing my voice is gruff. There’s a long silence as she stares up at me, blinking sleep away. And something else flickers in those eyes.Something that I can’t quite put a finger on, but it doesn’t take long to find out what it is.

“I need space.” Her words leave me reeling.

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