Page 100 of The Curacao Christmas

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It amazed me how being that close to him brought every fibre of my being to life, and I arched up under him, my hands trailing down his back as his mouth met my neck. I felt his hands slid down my sides, his fingers finding the strings on the bikini bottoms. His fingers slid underneath the ties, stroking my hips.

I reached down, tugging on one of the ties myself.

He grinned at me as he tugged on the other, and in a moment, tugged the fabric completely away from me, tossing it away.

His mouth worked down my neck as I leaned back on the pillows, closing my eyes, the only sounds in the room our raspy breathing and the moans I couldn’t stop as his mouth discovered places on my body I’d only ever imagined.

I reached out, pulling him back up towards me. I picked up the condom packet from the side and handed it to him, watching unabashed as he quickly sheathed himself.

“You sure, Abs?” he asked, mere inches above me, his body weight on mine.

His blue eyes searched mine, and I could see him pressing his lips anxiously together as he waited for my answer.

I cupped his face, relishing the feel of his stubble beneath my fingertips.

I’d never been more sure of anything in my life.


His mouth was instantly on mine, his hand on my hip, his fingers tracing slow circles against my skin as he worked his hand down my leg, hooking behind my knee and bringing my leg up around him. In that moment, he pushed into me, and I gasped into the kiss, my fingers digging into his shoulder as he filled me. I could feel his smile against my lips, and I couldn’t help tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth.

He stilled for a moment, his eyes wide as they looked into mine, and I nodded, urging him on as I took him, deeper and deeper, my nails sliding down his back needing him closer, faster, as he drove me to the brink, only to pull back and tease me with a smile on his face.

“I’ve waited so long for you, Abs…” he whispered against my lips. “So long…”



The feeling of someone beside me woke me up. I blinked my eyes open, staring at the ceiling. It took a moment for my sight to come into focus. The sun was streaming brightly through the curtains that I hadn’t closed by the balcony doors. I threw my hand over my face, thinking given I was half-asleep already, I might as well just go back to slumber. If I could just shut out that sunlight for a while longer. My eyelids were halfway closed when that movement started again.

And the sheet across me moved, too.

I turned my head to see blond hair cascaded across the pillow.

My gaze wandered lower. A creamy tanned shoulder disappeared under a navy sheet.

A slow smile crossed my face as I realized I wasn’t dreaming…that Abbie was there right beside me…where I’d always in my heart wanted her to be.

I bit my lip, staying silent for a moment, trying to tell if she was awake or asleep. There seemed to be a slow rise and fall of the sheet—if she was awake, it was barely.

“Abbie?” I whispered, leaning slightly closer to her.

She murmured something unintelligible in reply.

I smiled to myself, rolling on my side to spoon her warm body against mine. I pressed a kiss to her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her perfume, my arm wrapping protectively around her waist.

You’re real.

It was truly a Christmas miracle.Thank you, Santa.

She snuggled back against me.

“What time is it?” she murmured, sleep heavy in her voice.


“Good. Then go back to bed...” She yawned, and I nestled closer to her.
