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The man she was with smiled at us and kept on following the maître d, heading to a table somewhere behind me. I breathed a small sigh of relief. Maybe Abbie would realize Dominique had someone of her own. She didn’t want me. And I sure as hell didn’t want her.

“Just getting the rest boxed up…”

“Take home some cheesecake, it’s amazing.” She looked at the two of us. “Well, enjoy your night, it’s gorgeous out. See you tomorrow…”

“See you…” Abbie said, watching her walk away, the expression on her face changing.

She looked as thrilled as Brooke had the night we broke up.

Except I wasn’t happy either with this turn of events. Brooke could walk out of my life with no problem—I’d hold the door open for her. But Abbie? Losing Abbie wasneveran option.

I looked for our waiter. I could see him starting to head our way, our boxed food in his hand.

Abbie sighed to herself, reaching for the last of her wine and gulping it down. I saw her eye the bottle, but it was empty. We’d emptied it when I’d refilled our glasses when the food had arrived.

“It was a crazy coincidence and it’s over, she’s got her own plans for the night and so do we…”

She turned to see where Dominique was. “Must be her evening client.”


“Sorry, not sorry.”

“Why don’t you wait outside? I’ll pay the bill and meet you there, then we can walk to the square or just walk around for awhile.”

“Fine. It’s getting stuffy and loud anyways.”

She left the table moments before the waiter arrived, setting our food down with a small smile. “Have a good evening.”

“You, too,” I said, getting my wallet out.

Somehow, I had doubts about how good it could get.

I’d settle for salvageable.


I walked outside to find Abbie two stores down, looking in the closed shop window. Her phone was out in her hand, her purse on her shoulder. A few couples strolled down the street on either side. I took a deep breath, glad the food had arrived in a bag I could carry easily, and headed slowly down towards her. Salvage the night was my main goal.

“What’s going on? Why are you so upset?” I asked as I reached her, glancing in the window to see what she was looking at.

A display of hand-painted hats.

Her mouth opened like she was about to say something, then she closed it quickly. “You really have to ask that?”

“I don’t want our trip ruined by something I’m missing.”

“Just... You just don’t see it, do you?” She looked at me, bewildered.

“See what?”

“You actually don’t see anything wrong with Dominique?”



“She’s friendly.”
