Page 30 of Cruise in Love

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“Burger and fries,” she said. “And a strawberry milkshake.”

His teeth flashed white at her specific order. “Sure.”

They went to a restaurant on the same floor as the swimming pool. They sat indoors because it had gotten too sunny and she already had enough sun exposure for the day. But the window next to their table was big enough for a beautiful ocean view and warm breeze. The restaurant was more casual in setting than the others they had been to the previous day. She could see families with children seated at the tables. She smiled at the noisy, boisterous laughter of those kids.

“What was the woman saying to you in the shower area?” Aarav asked.

He had just finished placing their order on the app and they were waiting for their food.

“How do you know she was talking to me?” she asked, knowing he was referring to Roopa Motiani.

“I could guess. She followed you with an intention to strike up a conversation.”

Sitara frowned, not knowing what to think of that.

“I don’t think she is a threat to me,” she said.

“At this point, consider everyone to be a suspect.”

Sitara shook her head. “She is harmless. She saw us fight and made some assumptions.”

“What kind of assumptions?”

“That she and her husband made a better couple than us.”

He was quiet.

“The woman wasn’t entirely wrong,” she pointed. “We do make a terrible couple. Even in the past, we always fought.”

“Not always,” he reminded her.

Her face heated recalling that the only times they didn’t argue or fight was during sex. And they had spent most of the time indulging in sex just to avoid fighting. It was raw, heated and passionate. But despite their undeniable passion, their love couldn’t withstand the test of time. The perceived betrayal from both sides parted them permanently.

“That was just sex,” she said, pushing away the heated images. “Sex isn’t important in a good relationship.”

His mouth twisted. “I would argue the other way. Good sex doesn’t need a relationship. But a good relationship does need good sex.”

“That’s only for people like you,” she said. “Mature people focus on other important things in a relationship than sex.”

“Well, I’m glad you weren’t the mature kind,” he drawled.

Her cheeks heated. “I’m mature now!” she snapped.

“I see.”

The amusement in his voice made her want to leap on him and slap the smirk away. But that would prove his statement of her not changing much to be true, so she controlled herself.

She had to once again remind herself that she was a noted scientist known for her calm reasoning.

His teeth flashed white as though he could read her mind.

Soon their orders came in. He had ordered a burger too, but instead of a milkshake, he had ordered a beer.

The burger was delicious but huge. Even though she was quite hungry, she couldn’t finish it. Nearly half of it was left on her plate.

“Are you done with it?” he asked.

She nodded, feeling guilty. But she was shocked when he casually picked up the remaining burger and began eating it.
