Page 31 of Cruise in Love

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“You can’t do that!” she said.

“Do what?” he asked, biting into it.

“Y-you can’t just finish my food. We are not in a real relationship!”

He didn’t seem too bothered. He simply shrugged. “I don’t like wasting food.”

Her cheeks heated watching him finish her remaining burger along with another beer. He had a huge appetite and he used to often eat from her plate because she couldn’t finish it most of the time. But she was pretty sure he didn’t do it with other women he dated over the past seven years.

Or maybe he did.

The thought of it made her heart burn. She hated the thought of him sharing such intimacies with other women.

Oh. God. I’m turning mad.

“We need to set some rules,” she said.

“Rules for what?”

“For this fake marriage thing.”

“Okay.” He sounded amused. “I was waiting for you to come up with a list. I’m surprised you waited a day.”

Annoyed by his accurate assumption, she carried on. “There needs to be boundaries. You can’t behave like you did when we were a real couple. That means, no eating from my plate, no unnecessary touching, and no walking around me nearly naked!”

“I see. What else?”

“I’ll let you know later. But for now, follow these three.”

His mouth twisted.

She was about to say something when her phone began ringing. It was Dr. Pathak. Hurriedly, she answered the call.

“Hello, Dr. Pathak. How are you?”

She had received only a brief message from Dr. Pathak the previous day about reaching home. Not wanting to disturb the older woman who was already worried, she hadn’t called her.

“I’m fine, dear. As I texted you, I reached safely yesterday. I spoke to the police again and went to the office building today. They said it’s safe to resume working in the lab.”

Sitara was relieved. “Is there information on the break-in?” she asked.

“Not yet, dear. But I think it was a random break-in like you had guessed. No important documents are missing. Just a few research copies were crumpled.”

“That’s good to hear, Dr. Pathak.”

“Yes, it is. How is your vacation going on?”

Sitara looked at Aarav who was watching her casually while sipping on his beer.

“It’s going well, Dr. Pathak. Thank you once again for suggesting it.”

“I’m glad it’s going well, dear. You do need it to relax you. How is Commander Rathod?”

“He’s… uh doing good as well.” Sitara didn’t mention that the bossy jerk changed their rooms and was making them pretend to be a married couple.

“That’s nice. Anyway, I just called to let you know the investigation is still going on and that there is no reason for you to worry too much. Enjoy your vacation.”

“Thank you for calling and letting me know, Dr. Pathak. Please take care of yourself.”
