Page 36 of Cruise in Love

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He freshened up in the living room bathroom while she used the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Taking a quick shower, she wore her nightclothes but stood inside the bathroom staring at the midnight dark ocean outside the glass window. The gentle rocking of the ship added to the reality of the moment.

She knew she was deliberately keeping her mind blank not wanting to think about or discuss the kiss from before. The reason she went ahead with the kiss was ridiculous. There was no need to care what the other couple thought about them. But she still somehow insisted on a kiss.

Maybe I just wanted to know how it feels to kiss him again.

And now, she did know. It still felt like she had been struck by lightning. The magic of his touch was the same.

No! It can’t be. It shouldn’t be that way anymore.

She forced herself to remember the lies and the scene she had witnessed that led to her heartbreak. Immediately, it felt like a punch to her stomach, leaving her breathless.

Sucking in a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom.

Her breath gushed out and her stomach once again fluttered when she saw him inside the bedroom. He was checking the messages on his phone while standing next to the bed. His hair was slightly damp and she could smell the citrus body wash he used.

Sensing her presence, he turned slightly and his eyes flashed seeing her in the nightclothes. It wasn’t the first night they were spending together inside the cabin suite. But it was the first time she was awake and aware of every moment.

“It didn’t mean anything,” she whispered.

She tried to keep her breath and voice steady as she explained. “The kiss from a while ago. I-I reacted that way because Dheeraj has been gone for two years, and I-I missed… the intimacy.”

His eyes flashed and the look on his face made her want to take a step back. But she held still.

“I see,” he drawled. “Let me know when you have such… needs again.”

Her cheeks heated at his words. He made it sound like she used him in a dirty way.

“I-I’m sleeping on the living room sofa,” she said, instead.

His eyes flashed again. “There’s no need. There’s enough space on the bed and I already told you there is nothing for you to worry about.”

Her cheeks heated recalling his taunt from that morning.

Nodding, and trying to ignore the charged awareness, she went to the opposite side of the bed and lay down facing the balcony.

“Good night,” she murmured.

He didn’t respond.

Her heart thudded when the lights were turned off and only a dim night lamp shone inside the room. She felt the bed dip slightly and her breath caught inside her throat. She waited. But nothing happened. Her mind went back to the past where his muscled arm would drag her close and they would sleep curled around each other. He always threw his heavy leg over hers and held her with his arm during his sleep.

Feeling weirdly disappointed and confused, she stared at the ocean blankly for a long while until her eyes drooped close.

Eleven more nights and he’ll be gone from my life again.


After spending a night of restless sleep, she woke up to one of the hottest sights she had ever seen.

Just like the previous day, she imagined it to be a dream, but the gentle motion of the bed and the blue ocean beyond made her realize she was on a cruise ship.

Standing outside in the bedroom balcony was Aarav. He was shirtless and his muscled arms were stretched on the top of his head as his tall, broad form faced the sun. He was doing the sun salutation as a part of his exercise regime. She knew he had been doing it since his childhood years, since his late mother was a yoga teacher who had taught him and his younger sister.

She had always been in awe witnessing his overtly masculine body in powerful yet smooth movements. Even now, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

She felt the strong urge to touch and trace every hard ridge and faded scar on his tanned, muscular body. Never had she felt such a strong attraction towards any other man. Not even towards Dheeraj, the man she had married.

Although it made her feel guilty and angry, she couldn’t stop but stare at Aarav.
