Page 62 of Cruise in Love

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Although it left a sick feeling inside her stomach, she knew there wasn’t anything she could do. She fiercely hoped that the cheating bastard got caught soon somehow.

Sucking in a deep breath, she tried to let it go.

Dragging her furious gaze away from the bar area, she looked towards the ocean where the island was nearing. The place looked breathtakingly picturesque even from a distance.

She had read about the island when Dr. Pathak had booked the cruise. The island was formed by a volcano eruption centuries ago. Although there was no longer an active volcano, the place had stunning views from the cliffs and beaches. It also held historical significance with museums and ancient ruins along with unique architecture of whitewashed houses with bright blue colored domes.

The cruise ship began to dock, but Aarav had gone somewhere. Confused, because he never left her side, she looked around. She saw him talking to a crew member while keeping an eye on her. Soon, he returned.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded.

The passengers began to disembark the ship.

“Have a wonderful day, sir and madam,” the crew greeted when they exited the ship.

Several buses waited outside, but once again Aarav chose not to take the bus tour. He rented a bike. The bike was relatively smaller than the last time, but she still had difficulty sitting.

She had to sit gingerly and shift to find a comfortable position.

“Sore?” he drawled, turning his head to the side, waiting for her to settle down.

Her face heated. “No, I’m fine,” she snapped.

She could see his mouth twist into an amused smile. Glaring at the back of his head, she held on as he kickstarted the bike.

Luckily the roads were even and she forgot her soreness as they zipped through the picturesque island.

They went to an ancient temple ruin on the top of a hill. The bike could go up, and thankfully the jerk didn’t insist they trek. They explored the old ruin and the museum, right next to it. The view from the top was stunning.

She began to take pictures. She wanted to take a few to send to Preeti who had asked for pictures on the cruise.

She had barely gotten a moment of peace from the first day. First it was the shock of Dr. Pathak dropping out of the cruise, and then the bossy jerk barging into her life pretending to be her husband.

“Let me take a picture, dear,” an elderly woman offered. The woman was smiling at her and Aarav.

“Oh, we are not toge—” She broke off when Aarav dragged her close and looked towards the camera.

Glaring at him, she turned to the camera.

“Smile, dear,” the old woman suggested.

Gritting her teeth, Sitara forced out a smile.


The woman took several pictures before handing the phone back. Sitara murmured a thanks.

It happened again and again.

When they went to other archeological sites, people continued to offer to take their pictures. The jerk was entirely amused, and her phone was filled with pictures of the two of them standing together.

“Why can’t I tell them we are not together?” she demanded. “They aren’t from the cruise.”

“One can’t be too careful,” he drawled.
