Page 68 of Cruise in Love

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He held her hands. “Stop,” he commanded.

She shook her head and screamed. “No! Let me go!”

“Your house was broken into last week.”

Suddenly, she froze. “W-what?”

He was watching her grimly. “That’s how I knew you and Dheeraj had separate bedrooms. Dheeraj’s room was ransacked too.”

She was too shocked. She shook her head. “I have home security installed. I would receive notifications if anyone broke in. You are lying.”

“The security system was disabled.” he replied.

“H-how did you know my house was broken in?”

“When the investigation began, your house was monitored as well. The camera footage caught the people breaking in.”

“I-I don’t understand. Why would anyone break into Dheeraj’s room.”

“To look for information they want.”

She shook her head in denial. “What can they possibly want? I told you there is nothing. We already gave the research information to others for free. The break-in might have been a coincidence too.”

He looked at her for a moment before reaching for his phone. He scrolled through something and then showed it to her. Her face paled and fear began to grip her.

Five men were inside her house. Their faces were covered with masks. Some of them had knives and some kind of tools in their hands. She was shocked when she saw them going towards Dheeraj’s room and breaking the digital lock using some kind of small sophisticated explosives. Even though they went in, they left the valuables and ransacked the place, searching for something.

They weren’t petty thieves.

“I didn’t want to panic you, so I didn’t mention it before,” Aarav said.

She was shaken when she looked at him. “I-I don’t think the person responsible for the break-in is on the cruise.”

“Maybe not the actual person, but whoever it is, they can easily pay someone to harm you. There have been attempts already.”

“W-what attempts?” she asked.

“Your original cabin suite that you booked was ransacked on the first night of the cruise. I received information from the crew. It wasn’t let out because they didn’t want to panic the rest of the passengers. The safety box was ripped out in that cabin and cut open. They were looking for a laptop.”

She was stunned.

“W-what else?” she whispered.

Her mind tried to come up with an explanation for every break-in, but she was running out of excuses. Too many coincidences.

“I have legitimate information that there are orders to kidnap you. A woman who wore a similar dress as you on a particular day and fit the description of you from behind was found unconscious near the spa four days ago. She said she didn’t remember what happened. But the cruise security cameras showed two masked men placing a cloth on her face from behind.”

Her mind was still in denial. “W-why would anyone want to kidnap me?”

“To get the information they are looking for. So, until the suspect is caught, you have to be careful.”

She tried to think of possibilities of who it could be. She did have several competitors in research and in business. But what could they possibly be searching for?

If it was current research, why would they ransack Dheeraj’s room as well?

And how long would the investigation last? What if the culprit is never caught?

“I-I can’t keep hiding in the cabin suite,” she said. She hated living in fear.
