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It’s safe to say, I’ll never look at that Mustang the same way again.



“Hey,gorgeous Sunflower. Time to wake up.”

A hand drifts up my inner thigh and I stretch into the warmth of his skin. My eyes blink open, and my vision is full of Jake Henderson as he leans over me.

“Hmmm…” I smile, raising my arms above my head. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” With a wide smile, Jake leans down and captures my lips softly with his own.

I twine my arms around his neck and pull him closer before a thought crosses my mind and I break off the kiss.

“Oh no.” I pull the sheet up over my mouth. “You might want to lean back to save yourself from the morning breath.” My voice is muffled behind the fabric.

He laughs and yanks the sheet away from my mouth. “Too late now, babe.”

“No!” I squeal in laughter and we grapple for the sheet as he gives me smacking kisses all over my face. I push him back, hands on his chest, holding him at arm’s length. “Wait a minute. Why doesn’t your breath smell?”

“Because I got up and brushed my teeth before I went to The Sweet Spot.”

“You went to The Sweet Spot? Already?”

He shrugs as his gaze drifts down to where the sheet barely covers my boobs. “I figured since we didn’t get much sleep and with the marathon sex we had, we’d need coffee and sustenance.”

“Did you get me a buttermilk muffin?”

He rolls his eyes but grins. “Now what kind of man would I be if I didn’t get my girl her favorite?’

His girl.

After last night, I want to be his girl more than he knows.

I hold his face in my hands and give him a smacking kiss, not caring about my breath. “Thank you, Jake.”

He drops a kiss on my bare shoulder and gives me that smoldering look that would incinerate my panties if I were wearing any. “You can thank me in some other ways, you know.”

I drop my head back with a small moan, letting him kiss his way up my neck and over my jaw until his lips brush mine. “And I will,” I say, “but first I need that food.”

Several minutes later, I’m wrapped up in Jake’s terrycloth robe—that smells just like him and that I may never give back—and sitting with him at the small table in his kitchen. Cups of hot coffee and a plate piled with muffins sit between us as we chat about the Christmas festival.

I look over at him and surreptitiously swipe for drool on my face. The snug white T-shirt and gray sweatpants are such a turn-on. It’s man lingerie, and I have the overwhelming urge to sit in his lap and do dirty things to him.

Instead, I try to stay focused on our conversation.

“So, you restored that truck all by yourself?”

“Yep. And the Mustang.” He grins wickedly at me. “Although, Cherry Horse got a new restoration last night.”

Heat floods my cheeks and I clear my throat. “Well, you do amazing work, Jake. Have you thought about going into that type of work? I know you always loved it.”

He chews, then sips his coffee. “Actually, I’ve already got the ball rolling on that. I spoke with Mom and she supports it. Now all I need to do is see about getting a small business loan to help get started and also expand some of the current business.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I hate the thought of taking out a loan, but for the things I want to do, there’s not much way to get around it and be able to do both.”

“What kind of money does it take to start something like that?”

When he names the amount, I raise my brows. It’s a lot of money, but not as much as I thought. I wish I could help him.
