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I can’t think that way. I go home in a couple of weeks, and who knows when I’ll be back. This is just something to scratch the itch while I’m here.

Yeah, cause you scratch it so much back home.

My inner voice is a real bitch sometimes.

“Well, I know you’ll do amazing, Jake.” I shove a bite of muffin in my mouth before I say more than I should.

He stares at me over the rim of his cup. I wish I knew what he was thinking, but his gaze is unreadable.

“What about you, Sunflower?”

“What about me?”

“Well, for someone who I’ve heard is a workaholic, you haven’t said much about your work.”

I tap my finger against the side of my plate for a moment, wondering how much to tell him. But this is Jake, and for some reason I can’t help but spill my guts. “To be honest, things aren’t going so great at work right now. I worked my ass off over the last two years only to get passed over for that promotion.” I wrinkle my nose. “They gave it to this guy who’s been there eighteen months and looks like he just came out of college.”

Jake picks up my hand and entwines our fingers. “Want me to fly out there and kick his ass?”

I chuckle softly and look down into my coffee. “Nah, he’s not worth it. I don’t know; since I’ve been here and working on the festival, I haven’t thought much about work.”

Or Seattle for that matter.

“I’ve been thinking about making a change.”

His thumb runs over my knuckles. “What kind of change?”

“I don’t know just yet.” I drop my chin into my hand. “Even though I was working for that promotion, I’ve missed the things I used to do. Like design websites and graphics.” I chuckle and look over at him. “I miss all the creative, art stuff I used to do.”

“So, change it,” he says, his voice low as he kisses my hand.

“I wish it were that easy.”

With his eyes on mine, he lays my hand on the table then pushes his chair away. “Come over here.”

His voice is low and husky, his eyes dark and stormy. I smile and do as I’m told.

When I’m standing in front of him, between his spread legs, I look down to see my man went commando. The outline of his hard cock salutes me.

“So tell me, Lia.”

“Tell you what?”

With his eyes on mine, he pulls the tie of the robe slowly until it drops and the sides fall open. “Where did you learn to talk dirty like that?”

He reaches out and runs his index finger down the center of my body, from between my breasts, down my belly, until he gets to my slit. He runs a finger through the wetness, flicking that sensitive bud. My head drops back with a moan when he draws that finger back up, my own arousal leaving a thin, wet line up my body.

Holding his gaze, I say, “I watch porn.”

“Is that so?” The fire in his eyes sets my blood on fire, and my mouth waters.

I want his cock in my mouth. Now.

I came to a conclusion last night when I took the chance and showed up at his house. I was going to take what I wanted. I’m tired of pretending that I don’t have needs.

I took the odds that Jake would be game if I played my cards right. He’s the only man that would satisfy my sex drought.

“Yep. And if we were in a porn movie, you know what would happen next?”

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