Page 42 of Pack Dreams

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To ignore the pangs in my heart telling me to go back to West Hollywood, to obey and stay with her.

That was all her using compulsion on me, controlling me, making me think it was my own free will.

Bile rises in my throat. All this time, I thought they were helping me, and they were just controlling me.

“You need to tell me everything. There’s clearly a ton that’s been left out here, and I want answers. Now.”

Dom just chuckles. “You presume to command me? That’s cute. But no. You’ll get your answers. After you complete the manifestation and you’re officially part of the pack, you’ll get all the answers you need. I can compel you to stop asking, but I’d rather not. It takes a lot of energy and I’m already expending a good deal, keeping the entire village from telling you everything.”

I stare at him for a moment, and he gazes neutrally back at me.

My instincts warn me this is a battle I will not win. It’s only four more days, and then he’s promised to tell me everything.

“Fine,” I sigh, scraping my fingers through my hair. “But after the manifestation on Friday, I getallthe answers. Agreed?”

“Absolutely,” he grins. “You have my word.”



* * *

No lie, going to classes the next day is an experience.

Knowing what I know now forces me to see people in a different light. The guys said everyone in town is a member of the pack. That means they all obey my uncle, and all know about the wolf stuff to which I was completely ignorant until last night.

And they all know that, too.

Thinking back on it now, it’s kind of embarrassing to realize everyone is in on the secret except me. I walk the halls and wonder how many people desperately want to tell me the truth, but are held back by Uncle Dom’s alpha command. Whether for benevolent or nefarious reasons, I have to imagine there are plenty of people who would speak up, if they could.

Of course, that will all be over in just a few days. Friday is the full moon, and then all the secrets will be out.

All the extra attention makes sense now, too. Of course people would be curious, the niece of the alpha suddenly showing up and having no clue about this world. When we sit down for lunch and Savannah joins us, I let her know that I’m in on the secret now.

“Oh thank god, obviously I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t disobey the alpha command. And your manifestation is this Friday! You must be so nervous. I about made myself sick beforehand, and god the pain of the first shift, it was unimaginable!”

My eyes grow wide as she rambles and when she pauses, her gaze locks on something over my shoulder. I whip around to catch Jared making a ‘cut’ gesture across his neck with his hand.

“You said it’s not that bad.” I glare at him accusingly.

“Pain is relative,” Savannah rushes to explain. “It’s really notthatbad, I just was so worked up it seemed to go on forever and I’d never experienced that kind of pain before. I mean, it hurts like a bitcheverytime we shift. It doesn’t really get better, you just get used to it.” She smiles encouragingly, and I have lost all of my appetite.

“Great.” I push my plate away and cross my arms over my stomach, the nerves swirling within keeping me plenty full.

Savannah keeps frantically trying to fix her mistake. “Oh man, I’m sorry. I’ve really put my foot in it. It’s just—we all grow up knowing about it, so we spend our whole life preparing for it. I can’t imagine what it’d be like going in completely unprepared. I mean, you’ve only been here a week. That’s gotta be extra stressful.”

I know she’s trying to make me feel better, but she’s only succeeding in worsening the cramps in my belly.

“I think that’s probably enough talking about the manifestation,” Milo hints. “It won’t do Lex any good to stress about it for the next few days, and despite our fears, we all come through just fine.”

Milo’s statement is a warm balm to my upset stomach, and my heart slows a bit.

“Oh, yeah, that’s totally true!” Savannah agrees. “Thinking about it was way worse than the actual manifestation. In the weeks leading up I was such a nervous wreck I-”

“She probably doesn’t need the details, Savannah,” Milo interjects. “And we should probably head to our next class.”

Finally taking the hint, Savannah nods. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you guys later!” She hops up and walks away, and I gather my things.
