Page 43 of Pack Dreams

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“Don’t bother, we’ve got another twenty minutes before class,” Milo mutters without looking away from his phone. “I just gave her an excuse to make a quick exit. She kept sticking her foot deeper and deeper in it, so I gave her an out.”

“Very clever of you,” I reply with a smirk. “I like her, but sometimes I feel like she’s a bit much. Even though she means well, I find her exhausting.”

“Funny, I always find her presence calming,” Landon shrugs. “I think because when she’s around, she talks so much it takes the pressure off of me to say anything.”

“Ha! That’s true. She does tend to fill all the silences. But I personally have never had a problem. Hey Lex, why do seagulls fly over the ocean?”

A small smile curls my lips. “I dunno, Jared, why do seagull fly over the ocean?”

“Because if they only flew over the harbor, they’d be called bagels! Get it, bay-gulls?”

I snort a laugh, but Milo groans. “I think that was your worst one yet, man.”

“No,” Landon disagrees. “His worst one is definitely still the pirate one.”

“Which is the pirate one?” Now I’m curious.

Jared’s dark eyes turn to me. “What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?”

I shrug. “I dunno, R? Like Argghh?” I affect a poor pirate accent.

Gleefully, he answers, “No, it’s the C!”

Now I actually chuckle. “That was clever. That can’t be the worst one.”

“Jesus, don’t encourage him,” Milo gripes. “Once he gets on a roll, he won’t stop.”

“Hey, there are worse things than enjoying a cheesy joke,” Jared protests. “I dunno why you guys hate on them so much. It’s just harmless fun.”

“Jared, I love you, but those jokes are neither ‘fun’ nor ‘harmless.’ You should find a new hobby.” Landon shakes his head as if he’s disappointed.

“What, like drinking energy drinks and playing Minecraft? Pass. I’ll stick to football and corny jokes.”

“Hey don’t knock Minecraft, it’s fun and millions of people play it. And most people like energy drinks in some form.”

“Not me, I’ll stick to coffee,” Milo interjects.

“Isn’t that kind of like an energy drink, though?”

Milo looks affronted. “Certainly not. It’s coffee, brewed from beans. Therefore, natural. Your drinks are chemical-laden and produced in a lab with tons of sugar and shit like yellow-47.”

“You’re one to talk about sugar, mister caramel mocha,” Jared elbows him in the ribs.

“Yeah, well, at least it’s all natural sugar, real milk, real whipped cream.” Milo sniffs. “You can’t shame me about my coffee, so give it up.”

“Hey, how about we all just live and let live?” I ask. “You guys seem rather judgy about each other.”

The guys glance at each other in silence for a moment. “You know we’re just messing around, right?” Jared asks carefully.

“Yeah, we give each other crap, but it’s all in good fun. We don’t mean it.”

“Alright, whatever. Anyway, we really need to get to class now.”

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