Page 5 of Pack Dreams

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“How many people live here?” It isn’t very late, but I’d seen a grand total of four people and judging from the ground floor, this was more like a castle than a house.

“Right now, including you, me, and the staff… twelve. That’s just the resident staff, mind. We have plenty of people who come to help with the grounds and cleaning that live in town.”

My eyes are as big as saucers, and I know I look like a kid seeing the North Pole for the first time, but I can’t help myself. “How big is this place?”

“The grounds are nearly six-thousand acres, not including the town. It was originally part of the property, but we made it public land so they could incorporate, build schools, et cetera. The house is over 150,000 square feet and includes two hundred rooms in total. Thirty bedrooms, forty bathrooms, and seventy fireplaces. There’s a pool and two bowling lanes in the basement, as well as a large exterior stables. We’ve converted a good deal of the stables into garages now, but we still keep horses in one wing.”

The elevator finally stops and Uncle Dom opens the brass gate. “Take the first right ahead, please.”

I walk forward numbly, trying to wrap my head around thirty bedrooms and forty bathrooms. How many toilets could a person possibly need?

Turning at the indicated spot, I find myself in a large, airy room featuring several massive fireplaces, multiple groupings of green velvet furniture, and floor-to-ceiling tapestries. “This is the dayroom, where you can do more casual activities.”

“Casual?” I gape at the ornate furnishings and decor. “This place is a museum. I’m afraid to walk on the carpets.”

Dom chuckles. “Don’t worry about it. We have an excellent maintenance staff. Yes, a lot of the things here are antiques, but we maintain them fairly well, and you’re too old to cause too much damage from carelessness. I think we’ll be okay.” He gestures down the long room, and I follow, exiting the second set of double doors at the far end and crossing the hallway. “Now this room,” he gestures grandly, is our-”

“Library!” I squeal. Smaller and cozier, with an arched, hand-painted ceiling, the library boasts floor-to-ceiling shelves of books, with a balcony halfway up the two-story walls. It features another massive fireplace, and rich burgundy furnishings.

My earlier thoughts of my uncle, like the beast in his castle, weren’t too far off now that I see this place. I can definitely imagine myself sprawled out on one of those couches, wasting the day reading by the fire.

Uncle Dom smiles. “A fan of books, that’s right. Roxanne told me. Most of these are antiques, but you’ll find a section over there with a more modern selection. Now, this way is the music room, and then we still have the games room, my office, and…”

I follow and nod along as he shows me a seemingly endless series of rooms, all featuring antique furnishings that are polished to a shine. I feel as though I’ve stepped back in time and I’m literally walking into a fairy tale. At some point I just stop being able to take any more in, but I know I’ll have time to explore tomorrow.

Uncle Dom shows me his office, another big-beyond-all-sense room with gleaming wood paneling, and surprisingly modern decor. At this point, my eyes just follow where he points, my vision distinctly glazed, and I hear him chuckle.

“I’m guessing that’s enough for one night. Why don’t I show you where your room is, and you can get settled in? Roxanne and the rest of the staff will be around to show you more tomorrow, and of course, you’re welcome to explore.”

I walk beside him down the hall, completely at a loss how I’m supposed to find my way back downstairs for breakfast tomorrow. “Will you be gone?”

“I’ll be around, but I always seem to have a lot of work to do, Lil- I’m sorry, Layla. So I’m afraid I’ll probably be locked up in my office most of the day. I hope we can have dinner together, though. Ah, here we are.”

He pushes through another set of ornate double doors, and it’s as if I’ve walked into a completely different book than the fairy tale of a moment ago.

The beautiful wood details are still there, along with wallpaper and lush carpets. However, it’s all been refreshed and modernized. The crown molding and ornate carvings are bright white, and the wallpaper is a soft lilac covered in a rich, raised pattern with metallic accents. I’ve found myself in a cozy sitting room, complete with its own enormous fireplace, a large flat screen mounted above, and a small dining area.

I stare back at my uncle in wonder, and he just grins. “Roxanne had it redone, hopefully to your taste. Your bedroom is through there,” he points to another set of double doors, and I run to throw them open. I’m giddy with excitement now, and the room beyond does not disappoint.

A king-sized, four-poster bed waits for me, modern and draped with gauzy curtains, the mattress topped with a fluffy white comforter and entirely too many pillows in shades of purple and white. The room has high domed ceilings with a ‘cherubs in heaven motif’, and thick carpets on the gleaming wooden floor. Yet another fireplace, and two more doors.

The first door leads to a gorgeous modern bathroom with dual sinks, a sparkling white vanity that seems to go on forever, a large steam shower, and a deep standalone tub. Everything screams new, but fits elegantly in with the antique style of the house.

Uncle Dom grins widely from the bedroom door, watching me explore with childlike enthusiasm. “Wait till you see the closet,” he hints, pointing at the second door I had yet to open.

Wasting no time, I throw it open to find a dressing room fit for a queen with a snowy white interior. Racks and shelves line the wall, a bank of drawers on each side, and a large white velvet bench in the middle. All of my possessions from LA already hang neatly on the racks or are tucked into drawers, my shoes displayed on shelves as if they are priceless pieces of art. Besides my existing wardrobe, it’s obvious there are easily three times more things than I’ve ever owned waiting for me. Likely all chosen by Roxanne, and likely all beautiful and perfectly fit.

It’s too much. Far too much for me to handle. Emotion wells in my throat and the tears pour from my eyes out of nowhere.

“Oh, man, that is not the reaction I was expecting.” Uncle Dom clears his throat awkwardly. “If you don’t like it, I’m sure we can re-do it all. It’s not a problem. Roxanne-”

“No,” I sniff and try to smile in his direction. “It’s beautiful, really, and I’m so grateful. It’s just so much, I don’t know. I think I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Ah, well, in that case, perhaps you’d like a little time to get settled? All your things are already here, but if you have trouble finding anything, just text Roxanne. She can tell you where to find your stuff. I have a meeting tonight, but they’ll be bringing dinner up for you shortly. We figured we’d keep it low key tonight and… just let you have your space.”

“Thank you,” I say again, following him back out through my private living room. “I’m really looking forward to exploring the house and grounds. I’m probably just a little tired.”

“Er, yes, about that,” he turns suddenly on his heels and fixes me with a stern expression. “You have free access to anywhere in the house, with the exception of my room and office, if I’m not in there. I’m sure you can respect my privacy and I will not enter your room without your permission, either. Mutual respect?” He raises one eyebrow.
