Page 6 of Pack Dreams

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I nod. “Of course, Uncle Dom.”

“Good,” he smiles warmly. “One other thing: You are welcome to explore the grounds, but do not go out after dark, especially in the areas near the forest.”


“This isn’t LA, kid. This is Appalachia. The woods are filled with wild animals, like bears, and they’re not cute or cuddly. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

“Good,” he says again. “Tomorrow, if you’d like to explore, Roxanne can set you up with one of the ground staff, or you can explore on your own. Just stay out of the forest if you’re alone. Deal?”

“Deal.” I grin, excited at the prospect of adventuring tomorrow.

“Goodnight, Layla. I’m very glad you’re here, and I hope it feels like home to you soon. I know it’s a lot, but… it’s your birthright.”

Anxiety wells in my chest. “Uncle Dom, I have so many questions about my mom and this place. When-”

“Let’s talk tomorrow at dinner, okay? For tonight, you just focus on getting settled and getting some rest. Oh, and the tv has any streaming service you could want. If you need help, just text Roxanne. Her room’s not far. Goodnight, Layla.”

With another warm smile, he shows himself out of my suite, and I am alone.

* * *


* * *

I feel it as soon as she enters the pack territory. An electric sensation runs over my skin, sending shivers through my body and raising my heart rate. I set down my phone for fear the electricity in my blood will short circuit the device and focus on breathing steadily.

Dad always said he felt it the day Mom was born. At first it was like a low buzz in the back of his mind, easy to tune out. Then his skin became alive the day of her birth on pack lands, forming the instant, unbreakable bond of a fated pair.

He was several years older than her, so he recalls clearly. Others just grow up with their mate and don’t know any different. The Pack Seer predicts the mate pairings at birth and tracks every one.

Landon, Jared and I were all born within hours of each other, and all fated to mate the next Harridan alpha.

Which threw the world into absolute chaos.

Because the last Harridan alpha disappeared before completing the manifestation, which left Dominic Harridan no choice but to assume the role. According to the pack historians, there has never been an unmated male alpha. Period. Dominic was never assigned a fated mate at birth, and typically in those cases they are welcome to search the other packs for another unmated, or live among the humans and marry one of them.

Meanwhile, the status as alpha is passed from mother to daughter, and the born alpha always has three mates to share the responsibility. That’s the way it’s always been: four alphas in Smoky Falls.

Of course, I only know that from lessons. Since I can remember, there has only been Dom Harridan. Lilliana Harridan fled with one of her mates, leaving the other two behind. They didn’t know where she’d gone, but they insisted she was still alive until four years ago. That buzz at the back of their skulls was a constant reminder she was still out there, and never coming home. Until the day they said they could no longer feel her anymore.

And it was a message to Landon, Jared and I. Because we felt it, the same sensation, telling us our mate was out there but not within the pack boundary. We had endless discussions about how long we should wait to see if she comes back, if she knows about us or her own history. About when we should decide we were officially rejected and seek another life besides the one we were born to live.

Now, just like that, the world has tilted on its axis. Dom said that would happen back when he warned us he’d found her and would bring her back to Smoky Falls. We’d been waiting nearly a year to meet our mate, the born alpha of the Smoky Falls pack. Dominic also warned us she did not know her wolf heritage, and that we’d have to keep it under wraps until the time was right.

There was no question of disobeying him; an order from the alpha is not something you can ignore. Even a stand-in like Dom, with no mates at all, has the basic compulsion powers of an alpha. Once mated, of course, that power multiplies and unifies the pack. And soon it would be our job to help the new alpha claim her birthright.

My phone buzzes, startling me from my thoughts.

I don’t need to look at the screen to know who it is.

“Hey Landon.”

“Did you feel it?” His voice is practically shaking with excitement.

“Yeah, I felt it.”

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