Page 7 of Pack Dreams

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“It’s just like my pa said!”

“Yep,” I agree.

“Where do you think she is right now?”

“Probably at the manor, or on her way if she’s not there yet.”

“Do you think we’ll see her tonight?”

“No, dingus. She doesn’t know about the wolves yet, remember?”

“Oh, yeah, right.” His disappointment is palpable. “When do you think we’ll get to meet her?”

“I have an idea about that.”

“I’m all ears!”

“How do you feel about landscaping?”

“I like to be outside.”

“Yeah, I know. What I mean is, how do you feel about helping? With landscaping. At the manor?”

“Oooooh, I got you. Yeah, that’s a great idea. I’m in!”

“Okay. We’ll have to play it cool and just… see if we cross her path. No promises, but at least we can go with my dad tomorrow and have the excuse to see her before classes start Monday. If nothing else, Dom said we’ll see her there. He got her in a class with at least one of us, so she’s never alone.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s probably smart.”

“No shit, given everyone that’ll be there.”

“Do you think they’ll be a problem?”

“Do you doubt it?”

Landon sighed heavily. “I hope they won’t, but something tells me it’s a vain hope.”

“Yeah, me too. Well, she has us, even if she doesn’t know it yet.”

“Yeah, exactly. And Jared. Do you think he’d want to come tomorrow?”

“Nah, he can’t. He’s got football practice.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. What time you thinking?”

“It’ll be early. I’ll talk to my dad and text you. Just make sure you set your alarm or we’ll leave without you. My dad takes his schedule seriously.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”




* * *

My eyes snap open, my heart racing. I’m nestled in my giant bed, surrounded by pillows, and soaked with sweat.
