Page 68 of The Taste

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Colt looked at Phantom. “Buddy, are you free tonight?” Colt asked.

Phantom gave a tiny shake of his head. Then held his hands out, at waist height, like he was holding something there, and nodded to Sophie. Then ever so subtly mimed thrusting, grinding. A whole flipping body roll. Sophie instantly blushed and widened her eyes at Phantom. His confidence. His wicked sense of humor. Without saying anything, they all smiled knowingly. Sophie felt her core pinging, deep in her stomach, between her legs. And her heart was pounding.

“Hey, you are assuming I’m a sure thing?” She nudged Phantom lightly in his chest.

Phantom pulled up his lips in the smarmiest half smile she’d seen from him yet and flashed his eyebrows up. Sophie laughed, who was she kidding, of course she was a sure thing for Phantom tonight, he knew it, everyone knew it.

Ash and Colt smirked and looked at each other, sharing the joke.

“I hear ya, buddy.” Colt nodded. “Phantom did the early run the other day, anyway, everyone does one day on, one day off… we need an extra person…”

“Rafe,” April said, with a snap of her fingers.

Colt looked pained. “He’s… if the Guardians see his face…”

Sophie frowned. “What’s the issue?”

“Rafe’s half black, the Guardians are white supremacists… if they catch wind we’ve got Rafe and Rita in our ranks, it’s game over-”

Ash wrinkled his nose, as if there was a bad smell pervading the area. “He could keep his helmet on. Gloves on. Wearing full leather. By the time we drop off at their compound, it will be evening, it will be too dark, and if he just keeps his helmet on-”

“It’s a fucking huge risk.”

Ash shrugged. “Yeah, but we don’t have a choice.”

Colt dropped his head, his shoulders slumping, too. “I’ll find Rafe, ask him. I’d understand if he said no fucking way-”

Ash tilted his head. “Yeah, we all would but I bet you he won’t. He’ll do it.”

“What are you going to do about Lyle?” Sophie asked, hugging her arms across her body.

April and Colt exchanged a look. Like parents, trying to figure out what to do with their troubled teenage son. Though Lyle was older than them.

“I don’t know,” Colt answered honestly, quietly. Suddenly he wasn’t the big bad biker that Sophie had come to know. He was just a man, trying to do his best and feeling like he was failing. She knew that feeling. That’s how she felt about the shop, when her parents called her and told her not to worry. That creeping dread of insecurity. April put a hand on Colt’s arm, and Colt looked at her, deeply. Sophie almost felt like she was intruding, watching them together at that moment. It was intensely intimate.

“We’ll figure it out,” April said confidently. Colt sighed and put his hand on top of hers.

Sophie turned back as Phantom ushered her away. She had no idea how complicated running an MC would be. Colt made it look easy. April and Ash were so competent, Jared, Rafe, Rita, they all got on with it, the new guy that she hadn’t spoken to yet, Sully, even. They all chipped in together and made it seem like one well-oiled machine. But she’d seen a little slice of what went on behind closed doors. And Colt was paddling hard beneath the surface to keep it all afloat. They all were. It didn’t just happen, they all had to constantly work to keep it going. Sophie flashed a glance back where Colt and April were still locked up in their own little moment. Sophie felt her heart melt for them all.

Half an hour later, Rafe had grudgingly swapped his whiskey for soda and lime so he could set off in a few hours on the run. Ash stood at the bar, getting a blow job from someone else, while Nix was sprawled on the sofa, half-drunk bottle of whiskey in one hand, grinning from ear to ear as one of the sweetbutts gyrated on his cock. Both men were ignoring each other on principle. Though it was blatantly obvious each other were the only thing they were really taking notice of.

Phantom was at the bar getting them both another drink when he saw it happen.

Another man approached Sophie.

Sophie looked up.

“Hey darlin’, how is it going?” the man said. It was Johnny, a nomad, a traveling lone biker from another MC out of state. He’d been hanging around with them for a few days before he continued his journey. He’d been playing pool, having a few drinks, he’d been harmless, until this point. Now Phantom saw him as public enemy number one.

Phantom went stock still and was watching like a hawk. A hawk that spotted its next meal. Planning when to swoop in and strike. He felt his senses sharpen as the adrenaline hit his veins.

She smiled politely and said something to Johnny, not realizing the guy took her polite response as a positive encouragement.

He stepped forward, a little closer than necessary.

“Um.” Sophie let out an unsure squeak. Phantom left the drinks and snaked toward them. She peered over at the bar, looking for him, urgency in her eyes. Something in his chest clenched. She was a good girl. Such a good girl.

He’d caught up to them by the time he overheard her.

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