Page 101 of My Rebel

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“You know I could help even more,” Rajiv replied. “But you guys are too damn stubborn and proud. Although, I am delighted by what you’ve all achieved. You all deserve this. You deserve to be happy.”

“And that’s what I keep telling them all the time,” Shaurya added from Vihaan’s other side. He turned to Aaryan. “And you, my brother, need to find someone to make you happy too.”

Aaryan grimaced. “Not every woman is like Tiya, Myra and Sheena. My life isn’t easy and like you all know, I don’t trust very easily.”

“Someday soon, some woman may just catch your eye and then you won’t know what has hit you,” Rajiv said. “It was the same for the rest of us. It will be that way for you too.”

“That day is very far away,” Aaryan dismissed. “Right now, my sole focus is on keepingKeyStoneand this family safe and away from Dev Luthra. Just because we’ve now won two rounds, it doesn’t mean he won’t try to hurt us again. I know him better than you all. He won’t take two defeats in a row. He will come at us guns blazing and I want to be prepared when he does.”

Aaryan had been looking more stressed as the days were passing. It was as if he was waiting for an axe to fall and destroy everything that they’d worked so hard to build and protect.

“Let him come,” Shaurya said confidently.

“We will face him together,” Vihaan concurred. “We’ve got your back, brother.”

“I’m here for you all as well,” Rajiv said. “I know I travel a lot, but if you need me, you know where to find me.”

Vihaan gave him a grateful nod. They spoke some more before the rest of them went toward the gazebo. Vihaan waited a few minutes more to see the sun setting in the distance, its stunning orange and gold rays painting the waves in brilliant sparkling colors.

Her arms wrapped around his waist and her soft scent drifted over him. Vihaan drew her closer and tucked her into the crook of his arm.

“Hey,” she said. “You look troubled.”

“Just concerned about my brother. Aaryan is too stressed and I’m worried about him. I just… I don’t want him to take rash decisions or to make a mistake.”

“I’m not worried about Aaryan because you will always be by his side to protect him. So just keep a watch and be there for him as you always are.” She gave him a naughty smile. “And I’m right here to keep a watch on you. We’ve done well so far, I’m sure we’ll be fine. We just need to have a little faith that things will work out just as they are meant to.”

Vihaan wrapped his arms around her, holding her close for long moments. Utter bliss ran through his veins. His heart was bursting with love for this one woman who’d changed everything for him.

He’d never known how alone he’d been until he’d met her and he couldn’t wait to begin the rest of his life with her. Linking her hand with his, he drew her to where their family and friends waited for them.

All was going to be well as long as she was with him.

* * *
