Page 14 of My Rebel

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He took another step near her. “Well, I could just come to your function and prove to you otherwise.”

“Seriously?” She pushed away from him, just as the valet brought her car around. Her brown gaze swung on him. “Well then, I dare you to prove to meotherwise.”

Tossing that statement at him, she climbed into her car.

Vihaan watched her drive away, his lips curving into a smile. If Tiya thought this was over, then she was sorely mistaken. She’d thrown the ball in his court when she’d given him entry into her life.Hewas now going to decide how he’d play the game further.


Tiya entered the vast lawns of the hotel where her parents had thrown this party. Joyful sounds of people chatting, glasses clinking and laughter echoing greeted her. The function was going on in full swing and there was a happy vibe in the air. Well-dressed men and women mingled with one another and a deejay was playing slow music from a station set in a corner. No doubt the music would pick up later, as the evening progressed.

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair. The weather this evening was just perfect. It was cool, very pleasant. Early April in Dubai was still a good time of the year. Soon, the weather would turn drastically and heavy summer would set in. The heat would become unbearable and outdoor functions, an impossibility. Over her years of living in Dubai, she’d learnt to enjoy the months of pleasant weather as much as possible.

She scanned the crowd again. Spotting her parents chatting with another couple, she watched them from afar. Both of them looked good. Jatin and Naina Sood were prominent Indians in the Dubai social circuit, and their attire and demeanor screamed their wealth and privilege. Her dad was dressed in a navy Nehru jacket with gold buttons and matching trousers while her mom was wearing a shiny dark blue sari, her hair pulled up in a stylish twist at the top of her head. Her makeup and jewelry, though subtle and minimalistic, was on point. She had to admit that she’d inherited her parents’ fantastic sense of style.

Being their only daughter also meant that their expectations from her were rather high. Unfortunately, she’d dashed their hopes when she refused to join her dad’s cement business and chose to study makeup, skin care and hair styling in New York. Her choices in life had always been a bone of contention with her parents and after dropping the bombshell of a boyfriend yesterday, she didn’t know what to expect tonight.

Her father hadn’t been at home when she’d returned home from lunch yesterday. Post that, he’d been busy with his other social engagements—dinner with friends, morning golf, afternoon business meet—and hence she’d not had a chance to chat with him at all. This evening too, her parents had left early for this function, thus giving her no time to have this particular conversation with her father. Knowing her mom, her dad would’ve been properly updated by now about…Vihaan.

She drew in a deep breath. This fiasco with Vihaan was really her fault. She never should have been thinking of him in the first place. He never should’ve affected her in anyway. Had it not been for that, she wouldn’t have been shocked to see him watching her inLaSoiree. She never would’ve taken his name just when her mother asked who her boyfriend was.

As if attune to her thoughts, her mother looked up, found her across the distance and beckoned her with a finger. Leaving her spot in the corner, Tiya sauntered towards her parents and the damage control she had to do. There was no way she was accepting Vihaan’s help in thwarting her parents’ matchmaking plans. Spending time with him, even as her fake boyfriend, was a terrible idea and would only end up getting her in trouble, considering she already couldn’t stop thinking of him.

She ran her hands agitatedly through her hair. When she was leaving for New York to study hair and makeup, her mom had drilled it into her to stay away from bad boys—boys who’d never settle with just one girl, boys who were out only for a bit of fun and were never serious. This afternoon, her mom had been impressed with Vihaan. Little did her mother know that Vihaan Rajpoot was the baddest boy of all. He was a heartbreaker, a charmer, a playboy—he was someone Tiya ought to stay far, far away from; yet she found it so hard to resist him. But she had resisted him…thus far.

Even today, it had been so hard to stand her ground when he’d crowded her in the alley next toLa Soiree. She’d had to lock her fingers together, to prevent the temptation of scraping her hand down his rough jaw. She’d tamped down the urge to move aside that long lock of hair that always fell oh so sexily on his face.

Bloody blazing hell. She was thinking of him again. What was wrong with her?

Tiya smiled as she neared her parents.

“Tiya, how lovely you look tonight!” her mom complimented as she air-kissed Tiya’s cheeks. “This red looks divine on you.”

“I agree,” her dad concurred, pecking Tiya’s forehead.

“But, this blouse is a little too daring, don’t you think?” Very subtly, her mom adjusted Tiya’s sari. “Your cleavage shows just a bit much.”

Tiya rolled her eyes. Her cleavage was barely visible in her strappy blouse. But parents would be parents and mothers would never stop dictating to their kids. Of course, her mom meant well and so Tiya smiled at her. Her dad wrapped an arm around her mom’s waist and they shared a look.

“So, your mom tells me, you have a new boyfriend,” her dad said, curiosity written all over his face. “I believe your mom invited him. Is he coming here? Your mom didn’t tell me much. We’ve barely had time to speak because of the busy weekend we’ve had. I’d like to meet the young man who’s snagged your attention.”

Tiya curled her lips in a sad smile. “Oh sorry. Unfortunately, Vihaan is busy tonight.”

Her parents exchanged a look before her dad addressed her, “Hmm. In any case, I’d like you to meet a man. His dad was an old friend, and you’ll definitely like him. In fact, he could be right for you.”

“Not that again, dad.” Her mouth tightened. “Besides, you know I’m seeing someone.”

“Yoursomeonedoesn’t think it’s important to meet your father, despite your mother inviting him. Hence, I assume it’s not that serious.”

“—Dad that’s not fair.”

“Well, then why is Vihaan not here?” her mother chimed in.

Gosh! Maybe she ought to have accepted Vihaan’s help. This was getting way out of hand now.

“You will meet this man I have in mind for you,” her dad continued as if Tiya hadn’t spoken a word. “He’s successful and prosperous, and has recently moved to Dubai. Actually, to think of it, you’ve met him before at my birthday party a few months ago.”

She chewed her lip wondering who she’d met at her dad’s birthday party, but no one came to mind. At least no one who’d struck her fancy.
