Page 13 of My Rebel

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“Twat-wanker?!” He laughed. “Your cuss words are too funny.”

She flashed him a furious look. “Why am I here?”

He moved closer to her, invading her space. She stood in place, her hands linked together, her head tipping higher as she stared at him. She didn’t flinch or look away, not even when there was barely an inch separating them. Challenge was written all over her furious gaze. Her bold, fearless attitude was a huge turn on. It was exactly what had drawn him to her in the first place. Even now, all he wanted to do was claim her down-turned lips and see if he could crack the icy façade she had once again set in place, and make her react to him. But he didn’t do that. If his plan had to work then he had to keep himself in check. The plan came first. It was of utmost importance.

“Tell me, hellcat, why did you name me as your boyfriend?” Vihaan rasped.

She huffed out a breath. “My mom was trying to matchmake me with some unknown man and I retaliated by telling her that I have a boyfriend.”

“And so you rebelled and told herIwas your boyfriend?” He grinned. “I like that even more.”

She looked heavenward. “It was a misunderstanding, okay. I don’t want a marriage arranged by my parents.”

“Arranged marriages are not so bad.”

Her expression hardened. “I want romance and an unforgettable proposal, not this…what my parents are planning for me.”

“Quite a little romantic you are.”

She crossed her arms on her chest. “What’s wrong with romance?”

“Nothing. I’m not the romantic type, hellcat, and I’m pretty sure you know that. So, I wonder why you chosemeto play the part of your fake boyfriend.”

“Like I said, it was a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding or not, you claimed me in front of your mom. What I’d like to know is why?” When she refused to look at him, he tipped her chin up with a finger. “Have you been thinking of me, sweetheart? Is that why my name spilled from your lips when the time came to fake a boyfriend?”

She swatted his hand away. “Oh, don’t think too highly of yourself.”

“Your mom, however, did think highly of me. I wonder if your dad will feel the same way.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“You aren’t meeting my dad. You hear me?” She poked a finger in his chest. “I’m going to make an excuse to my parents for your absence. We will forget this whole fiasco and never speak of it again.”

He held her finger. “I could help you.”

“Leave it, Vihaan.”

“Not happening, babe,” Vihaan said. “I’m going to help you whether you like it or not.”

“Really? So, you will attend a big function attended by hundreds of people you don’t know, just to help me?” She tilted her head to the side. “Aren’t you Rajpoots known for being social recluses? Won’t your identity be compromised if you do that?”

His heart stuttered. What did she mean by that? Had Myra told her something? No, he rejected that thought. Myra would never compromise their safety, ever. The reason Dev Luthra hadn’t been able to find them in Dubai was because they lived a very discreet life. And after Dev had moved to Dubai, they’d all stopped going out to restaurants and clubs other than their own and especially not when Shaurya and Myra were in attendance. That’s exactly what Shaurya had been complaining about earlier.

All of them were always worried about Dev finding them. And since Dev knew about Shaurya and Myra, socializing with them had become a huge no, even at their own restaurants.

But the question was, how had Tiya suspected such a big truth about his life.

“What makes you think I want to keep my identity a secret?” he asked, keeping his tone cool, while on the inside, he waited with bated breath to hear her response.

She swatted a hand in the air. “Oh, please. I’m not daft. I have eyes and ears. Myra’s my best friend. She’s never kept things from me ever, even when we lived in different countries. But now, after marrying into your family, she categorically refuses to talk about you all more than needed. Do you know that I don’t even know where she lives and she’s made me promise not to ask her? We only ever meet here atLa Soireeand never elsewhere. All that screams that you’re all hiding yourselves, from whom and for what I have no clue though.”

A relieved breath escaped him. Tiya had cleverly concluded some of the truth by herself, but there was no way he was going to accept her deductions vocally. She didn’t need to be involved in the mess that was his life. And she was right, he didn’t do big, loud functions especially where Dev Luthra could possibly be in attendance.

“What a vivid imagination you have,” he said, his tone soft.

She rolled her eyes. “Drop the act, Vihaan. I know I’m right. Until recently no one even knew you existed, let alone that you ranKeyStonealongside Shaurya, with your twin, Aaryan. So, stop pretending otherwise.”
