Page 24 of My Rebel

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His lips curved. “I knew your answer would be that, yet I wanted to try.”

“Dad,” she held his hand. “What are you not telling me? Is there something I need to know about Vihaan?”

“I hardly know him, darling. Until last night, I didn’t even know he was alive… I just assumed, like everyone else, that those kids had all perished in that fire. But I do know that Dev and he have a history, which may not exactly be pretty, and I don’t want you to be caught in it.”

“Yet, you were okay with handing me to Dev Luthra despite being privy to this.”

“That’s different. His dad was my friend at one time. His uncle is still a friend. I’ve read about him. I’ve seen his success over the years and his rise to fame, whereas I have no idea what these Rajpoot siblings have been up to, and why they only decided to come out in the open for Shaurya. I’m just concerned about you, my dear.”

“They are extremely loyal, Dad, to one another and to Shaurya. They are entitled to be private and not reveal their secrets to the world at large.”

“I suppose that’s true.” Her dad watched her for a moment. “I really would have liked for Dev and you to get together. He would have takenSood Cementto new heights and it would’ve stayed in the family. But since you and he won’t happen—”

“—ever. It will never happen, Dad. You may think the world of Dev Luthra, but I can’t, for the life of me, like him. He’s uptight and arrogant, and there’s something just missing about him.”

“Anyway, Dev also didn’t want to marry you. I suppose the whole point is moot, now that you’re with someone else.” Her dad shrugged. “Fine, I’m willing to give your man a chance for your sake. Call him home soon. I’d like to meet him.”

Tiya smiled and kissed her dad’s cheek. “Thank you. I’ll talk to Vihaan and set something up.”

As soon as her dad left, Tiya began to pace again. Thank God, she’d used Vihaan’s help to thwart her parents’ plan of getting her tied up with Dev Luthra. After hearing how much her dad wanted him as a son in-law, she quite didn’t feel so guilty about faking a relationship with Vihaan.

But where in the bloody bleeding hell was Vihaan? She checked her phone and there was no response to her last text message.

Irritation set her nerves on the edge. She’d been so nervous when her father had been speaking of Vihaan to her. In fact, she’d held herself back to not question her dad abouthim. She hadn’t wanted to sound like someone who knew nothing about her boyfriend’s background.

Her mouth tightened. Vihaan and she needed to discuss how they were going to proceed.

Her parents were super smart, and they’d dig and probe until they were convinced that she wasn’t making a mistake with Vihaan. And if they weren’t convinced, all that matchmaking would begin again. She shuddered to even think about that. She’d barely escaped it last night. She didn’t want a repeat. Thankfully for her, Dev at least didn’t have an interest in marrying her. She was safe from him and she didn’t want to deal with another prospect in the near future.

She just needed to carry on this farce with Vihaan for a few months. Once the company was sold, no further matchmaking would be needed. All would be well and she could return to her life as it has been so far—happy, single and free of commitments.

Her mind switched back to Vihaan and that sizzling hot kiss. She’d seen the darkness in his eyes and she knew, she just knew that something wasn’t right and that if she didn’t act, something worse could happen. Distracting him had been the only thing on her mind when she’d lowered his mouth to hers. But the moment their lips had touched, the sweetest sensation had gripped her, freezing her, keeping her pinned to him. Her heart had screamed,more. The urge to take and take from his delicious mouth had stormed through her and so she’d done exactly that, uncaring that her parents and the whole world might be watching. She’d just wanted to breathe him in, and keep enjoying that delicious sensation that was spreading over her veins like a wildfire.

Good God in heaven. The man had a mouth made for kissing. Her lips tingled thinking about his delicious mouth. The whole of last night, she’d tossed and turned in bed thinking about him and that kiss.

Fuck! She cursed herself. This, exactly this, was the reason she had to stay away from Vihaan Rajpoot. He was dangerous for her. He was a bad boy to the core. He wasn’t good for her at all.

Nonetheless, she had to get him agree to her rules. They needed to chart out a system where they’d be seen out, occasionally at least. Disappearance and silence were not the way this worked.

They had to talk. Even fake dating had protocol that needed to be followed.

She chewed her lip, thinking. There was one sure shot way of getting Vihaan to talk to her. Picking up her phone, she lay back on her bed, typing.

“Dev doesn’t believe that you and I are together. He thinks we’re faking it.”

Smiling, she put the phone aside. Sure enough, a second later, her phone pinged with a message. She didn’t bother to read it. Five seconds later her phone rang.

Her screen flashed his name, VR.

She didn’t answer that too. He ought to a stew a bit. When it rang for the second time, she finally answered it.

“Tell me exactly what he said,” Vihaan’s annoyed voice filtered down the line.


“No? What do you mean no?”

“I’ll tell you in person. Where are you?”
