Page 42 of My Rebel

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“Why did you ask him to stay away from me?” Tiya asked instead.

“I saw how you both were eyeballing each other at my wedding in Shimla,” Myra gritted out. “Vihaan’s my brother-in law and he’s great, but he’s not for you and I’ve told you so many times that—”

“—he doesn’t do serious. He’s a heartbreaker etc. etc.” Tiya waved a hand in dismissal, swinging her bar stool around to look at Myra properly.

“If you know all this then what the fuck were you doing with him yesterday?” Myra snapped.

“I like him, okay? When we are together it’s…it’s fireworks. I can’t stop it even if I wanted to.”

“End this, Tiya. Tell your parents it was a mistake.”

“And have them point me in the direction of the next possible suitor? No, thank you.”

Myra opened her mouth to say something, but Tiya held her hand. “I know he doesn’t want a long-term commitment. Leave it, Myra. I know what I’m doing. Rest assured that it’s not real.”

Yet it had seemed real…very real when she’d been in his arms. Not that Tiya could admit that aloud ever.

“Promise me that you’ll be careful,” Myra pleaded.

“I promise. Now enough about me,” Tiya said. “You’re pregnant and going to have a baby. This is just the best news.”

“It is…isn’t it?” Myra chirped, her eyes sparkling with joy. Thankfully, she looked way better today and Tiya wondered if she’d been wrong about Myra’s reaction yesterday. Perhaps, it had just been hormones and Tiya was making more of it.

“Myra, why were you upset yesterday when Shaurya announced your news?” she asked nonetheless.

“I was a bit shocked, to be honest,” Myra voiced. “It was quite unexpected and we hadn’t planned for a baby so soon. We’d just found out a few hours before I met you and the news was just settling in, I suppose. But I am over the moon about this baby.”

Tiya smiled, relieved that her friend was alright. She sipped her white wine while Myra continued to chat with her about the baby. Spending time with Myra was really the best. They’d been close since childhood and despite the fact that Tiya had moved from Shimla to Dubai when she’d been young, they’d stayed in touch throughout their lives. After suffering through a crushing loss, Myra was finally where she belonged and Tiya was delighted for Shaurya and her.

A sudden tingle shot down her nape. Her heart leapt as she spun around. She knewhewas there even before their eyes met. Vihaan’s lips curved into a smile and butterflies danced in her belly as he neared her.

“Hey, babe,” he said, when he was in front of her.

“Hey, Tiya,” Shaurya said, before dropping a kiss on his wife’s head and sliding beside Myra.

God! She hadn’t even noticed Shaurya was there with him. She’d been so focused on Vihaan.

“Hi, Shaurya,” Tiya greeted.

Myra glared at her husband. “What are you both doing here?”

Shaurya tossed his hands up. “Don’t be mad at me. I was anyway going to come fetch you when you were done. Vihaan just hijacked my plan once he heard that you were meeting Tiya.”

“And you couldn’t tell him no?” Myra scoffed.

“I’m quite the charmer,” Vihaan cut in. “No one can tell me no.”

Myra slanted a glare at him. “You and her are in a fake relationship for her parents’ sake. We, however, know the truth. So, why are you here?”

Vihaan faced Tiya. “I wanted to see you, hellcat.”

His words caused fresh flutters in Tiya’s stomach.

Myra pinched her hand again. “Stop smiling like a fool. He’s practiced at this. He—”

“Hey,” Vihaan interrupted, “You’re being mean.”

“I’m being honest,” Myra retorted. “One of us needs to be the voice of reason and I don’t mind that being me.”
