Page 47 of My Rebel

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“Yes,” Tiya replied.

“That’s just amazing.” Vihaan tugged her hand in his. “You are amazing, you know that?”

A well of emotion crashed in her chest. Thanks to him, for the first time, she’d heard her parents express outright that they were proud of her. And that meant a lot to her.

She opened her mouth to thank him, but Vihaan’s scalding gaze was already locked on her. His dark eyes burned into her. She too was unable to stop looking at him.

A car honked outside and Tiya finally snatched her gaze away from him. When she looked up, her parents were both observing her. Pure joy was etched on her mother’s face while her father looked concerned and afraid. Why would he be afraid if she was with Vihaan?

No. She wasn’t making any sense.

“That’s our ride,” Vihaan said, distracting her. “I booked a cab to come fetch us from here at ten.”

“Thank you for a pleasant evening,” he told her parents. “But Tiya and I need to be on our way. Our cab is waiting.”

“Please, let’s organize a dinner,” her mom said. “We’d love to talk to you more. Are you free tomorrow night?”

“I am. Thank you, I’ll definitely be there,” he replied, standing up. Tiya rose as well and collected her purse from the dining table.

Her parents walked to them to the door.

“Where are you both going tonight?” her dad asked her.

“Um…we’re just going for a drink,” she replied. Gosh! She even sounded unsure to her own ears. Why hadn’t she asked Vihaan what the plan exactly was?

“Club Poseidon,” Vihaan put forth.

“Nice place,” her mom said, looking impressed. “Very exclusive too.”

“It is.”

They halted at the door. Vihaan thanked her parents again and soon they were both seated in the cab.

“I didn’t hear you discuss business with my dad,” Tiya asked once the cab took off. “I’d expected that to be the first thing you’d talk about when you met him.”

She was curious as to why he never even once expressed his intent to buySood Cement.

“I couldn’t have talked shop the first time I met him. He’d have thought that was the reason I’m dating you.”

Tiya arched a brow. “It isn’t?”

“It sure began that way. But he doesn’t know that.”

Her stomach pitched. Vihaan was right. This between them was just an understanding and yet it had started to mean more. And while she felt that way, she had to still ask him outright what he felt now about this arrangement. Was it just only a means for the both of them to get what they wanted? Was it more? Was it temporary? She needed to clarify everything tonight.

“Are we really going to that nightclub?” she asked.

He frowned. “Would you rather go some other place?”

“Not at all. I love to party. Just remember that I want to have a good time tonight. It’s Friday night and one of the few I’ve had off since a long while.”

“You’re quite passionate about your work, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I love it. I used to watch YouTube videos on how to apply makeup since I was twelve. It became a burning passion in me to learn more and then to perfect what I learned.”

“And, of course, you began by stealing your mom’s makeup,” Vihaan teased.

She rolled her eyes. “My mom makes such a big deal of it till date when it’s not really needed.”
