Page 48 of My Rebel

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“Why don’t they like what you do?”

“They’re just…just… How do I put it? Um…they’d rather have me runningSood Cementrather than working ashired helpat other rich people’s weddings.”

He chuckled. “Is that what they tell you?”

“Yeah, pretty much all the time. My parents love me loads; they just don’t love my profession. But thanks to you, for the first time, they openly accepted that they were proud of me. And that meant a lot to me.”

“I just stated the truth. Myra keeps saying that you’re bloody good at what you do.”

“You’ve been talking to Myra about me?”

He ran his eyes across her slowly. A tremor worked its way up her spine. His heated gaze was so intense, she felt it like a physical caress.

“Well, since you do have the hots for me, I wanted to know more about you too,” Vihaan rasped out.

Tiya turned and placed her hand on his thigh, her fingers inching up. “I think the feeling is mutual.”

He caught her roaming fingers in his, keeping them on his thigh. “Whatever you say, hellcat.”

“Why do you keep calling me that?”

“Because you are a hellcat. The first time I saw you, you got into a fight with those Russian men atKomobay. Any sane woman would have walked away from the situation. But no, you had to dive further into it by throwing your drink in their faces and punching them.”

“Please, they deserved it.” She removed her hand from underneath his. “I’m not going to stand by and allow anyone to bully me.”

“God! You’re such a rebel. It could have been dangerous for you had Shaurya and I not stepped in. And instead of thanking me, you scratched and clawed and screamed profanities at me.”

“How did you expect me to react? You were a complete stranger and you manhandled me. I was afraid you’d hurt me too. And while Shaurya took Myra with him, she at least knew him, whereas you were a complete stranger to me.”

He studied her for a moment. “I’m sorry.”

Her brows shot up. “You’re apologizing?”

“Well, my intention wasn’t to scare you. I just wanted to protect you. It was just instinctive to save a woman from trouble. I could have handled it better, perhaps. Therefore, I apologize.”

“Why Vihaan Rajpoot, I always thought you’re a bad boy. But now you’re changing my opinion of you.”

He made a face.

She poked his arm with a finger. “You are good.”

When she went to poke him again, he caught her finger.

“I am not good, Tiya. You really ought to remember that,” he said, his tone dead serious. “I’ve done things and seen things that no one ought to.”

Before she could ponder more on that rather complex statement, they arrived in front of a swanky commercial cum residential building.

Poseidon Shipping Corporationwas written in bold letters on top of the edifice.

The taxi dropped them off at the brightly lit lobby. Vihaan nodded at the security who allowed them to pass through to the elevator bank.

“Why are we here?” Tiya asked as Vihaan pressed the lift button to go to the basement. She stepped out, following him in the underground parking. This was too strange.

And Vihaan was behaving way too mysterious.

“We arrived from my house in a taxi and now we’re going where exactly?” she prodded.

Vihaan pressed a button and the headlights of a car in front of them blinked.
