Page 49 of My Rebel

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Her eyes popped. She stared at the white Lamborghini first and then at him, unable to believe her eyes. “Are you fucking serious? Is this yours?”

“It is.”


He chuckled. “Is that another new cuss word you invented?”

Ignoring him, she stared at the car again. “You’re freaking unbelievable. Why take a taxi when you own this? Why didn’t you just come fetch me in this?”

She gasped. “Oh, God! It’s not stolen, is it?”

“Ha, very funny.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “Do I look like a car thief to you?”

Vihaan pressed the handle and the door swung up. He twitched his eyebrows at her. Shaking her head, she slipped inside the low-slung car, impressed with the tan interiors.

“So, it’s not stolen and I assume you’re not embarrassed by it, then why all this drama?” she asked, when he was seated next to her in the driver’s seat.

“No asking questions about my life, remember?” Vihaan reminded her. “It was one of the rules.”

“I think we’ve broken several of them already. What’s one more?” Tiya joked.

He gave her a sideways glance, his eyes hard, immovable. “Not this one, Tiya. We don’t break this rule, ever. Now buckle up, baby. We’re going for the ride of your life.”

He tapped on his phone andSomeone to YoubyThe Bannersplayed around her at full blast. He sped the car out of the parking lot and into the fast-moving traffic. A few minutes later, he pressed a button on the console and the hood of the car began to retract.

She laughed as the sky was revealed over her head. Vihaan zipped the car faster and faster, expertly weaving his way through the traffic. Happiness bloomed inside her chest. This was absolutely delightful and she was having the time of her life, indeed. The music she enjoyed was playing on the speakers, the cool wind was on her face and the man she was beginning to really, really like was by her side, smiling at her. She had a feeling tonight was going to be a good night and she looked forward to it.


One song melded into another and soon they reached another underground parking lot.

“Holy shit! You must have broken a dozen traffic rules and gained a dozen tickets on the way,” Tiya remarked, once they’d climbed out of the car.

“I must have. I normally don’t take this car out much and I was just having a good time. Besides, seeing you enjoy was the best part,” he replied, taking her hand in his. “Come, let’s go. I know a private entry.”

He led her to a plain steel door where he swiped a card. He pushed the door open and they entered a long empty and dimly lit corridor.

“Whoa, so mysterious. How do you know all…this?” she asked, her eyes darting everywhere at once.

“The owner is a friend and he knows I like my privacy.”

Once again, she wondered why there was a need for so much privacy and secrecy in his life, but she didn’t voice it out loud.

Finally, they reached the end where he opened another steel door and they stepped inside the nightclub. It took a short second for her eyes and ears to adjust to the change from dim lights to the flashing hot pink and white strobes overhead, and from the quiet to the throbbing, pulsating, loud music. They were one step above and had directly entered into a roped VIP section. Gold mirrored walls and midnight blue wallpaper gave the entire place a posh vibe. The furniture was all brown wood, navy blue velvet, and gold.

“Impressive,” she said, leaning closer to speak to him. “I meanClub Poseidonis one of the oldest clubs in Dubai. I’d heard they’d renovated recently and that it was fabulous. But this…is next level.”

“It is. The owner is quite particular in his tastes.”

Nodding, he led her to a small corner table. But before he could reach there, a man stepped in his path, blocking the way. A smile crept up Vihaan’s face just as he was grabbed in a hug.

“You actually came here? God! I’m so glad to see you,” the other man exclaimed, holding Vihaan’s shoulders. “These days, you hardly ever visit outside one of your own places.”

“Rajiv, you’re back in town?” Vihaan greeted his friend. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight. I thought you were returning later in the week.”

“I was, but I came back early from Mumbai. Just landed last night. How are you doing, buddy? Where’s Aaryan? Is he with you?”

“Oh please. You know partying is not his scene at all,” Vihaan said.
