Page 5 of My Rebel

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“We’re being followed, you know,” Shaurya said, quietly.

“What the fuck?!” Vihaan swore.

“Explain,” Aaryan said, his voice tight.

Shaurya sighed. “The last few days, Myra and I have noticed a car following us everywhere. It’s always behind us. It even followed her to the villa. She reached there and called me immediately. She was so scared. When I left work, sure enough, there was a car following me too, all the way home to our villa.”

Fear swamped through Vihaan. “And now? Did it follow you now too?”


“And you’re telling us this now?” Aaryan said, sharply.

Shaurya gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry. We didn’t want to worry you until we were certain. Anyway, I went straight into the parking as usual. Thankfully, the security protocol of this building does not allow outside vehicles in the parking. They must be waiting outside, I’m sure. It’s not like they’re trying to hide the fact that they’re tailing us.”

Vihaan exchanged a stricken look with Aaryan.

“Look, guys,” Shaurya placated, “We’re all safe here, in this building, and you know it. Everyone thinks we come to this building becauseLa Soireeis located here. No one knows we all have apartments too here.”

Vihaan raked a hand through his hair. That was true. Apart fromKeyStone Corp., his family jointly owned three restaurants in Dubai.La Soireewas their newest venture and had quickly gained popularity to become one of the top hotspots in the city. People from all over the world came here to enjoy the delightful ambience, the specially curated cuisines and live music.

Rising, Vihaan picked up his iPad and tapped on it. The screen opened to display various quadrants from camera angles placed strategically all outside their restaurant,La Soiree, which was located thirty floors below them on the ground floor of this very building that they all resided in. All of them owned apartments in this building. They all lived one above the other. It ensured they all had their own privacy, but they were close enough to be there for one another when they needed it. Only now, ever since Shaurya had married Myra, the two of them shifted between this building and the villas they all owned inArabian Greens.

Vihaan clicked on one of the quadrants and sure enough, a black car was waiting in a corner.

“Is this the car?”

Shaurya nodded.

“Fucking hell,” Vihaan cursed turning the iPad aloft to show his brothers. “This has Dev Luthra stamped all over it. The fucker is ensuring we know he’s following Shaurya and Myra.”

“He obviously knows about my villa atArabian Greens,” Shaurya said. “He knows I live there. What he doesn’t know is where the rest of you live. He’s clearly having us followed to find you all.”

“Bastard,” Vihaan swore. “There are days when I just want to find him and end his existence. Today tops that list.”

“I agree,” Aaryan breathed out. “But you know we can’t do that.”

“What should we do?” Shaurya queried. “All of us hardly meet out socially in any case. Now we have to be doubly sure that we restrict ourselves to not be seen together even at our own restaurants. He doesn’t know what both of you look like. Let’s keep it that way for now.”

“I hate this,” Vihaan growled, his temper rising. “Already we live in seclusion and now we have to be even more careful because that bastard is in our city. I just wish we could get him to go away.”

“This does suck…” Shaurya heaved out a breath. “Myra’s worried and although she won’t say it out loud, us being followed has made her nervous.”

“Myra is a strong woman,” Aaryan acknowledged. “She knew the risks when she married you and became a part of our family. She’ll get through this, I’m sure.”

“I know. I just… I worry about her,” Shaurya said quietly.

“This is what happens when we get more people into our inner circle, brother,” Vihaan murmured. “We put all the people we love at risk because he’s after us and as of now, we haven’t been able to stop him.”

And that’s why Vihaan would never bring a woman into his inner circle. He refused to fall in love. He refused to add another person he cared about to Dev’s radar. Seeing Shaurya feel helpless was gutting Vihaan. It made him feel helpless too. They were all stuck and he hated that Myra and Shaurya were stressed because they had someone shadowing them all the time.

“Maybe I ought to come in the open and then he can forget about Shaurya and Myra once and for all,” Vihaan thought aloud.

“No!” Shaurya shot out.

“Absolutely not.” Aaryan stood. “I don’t want you anywhere near him. I’m not putting you in danger. He’s already failed in killing us all those years ago. There’s no way that you’re facing him and making yourself a target again. I forbid it.”

“So, we allow Myra and Shaurya to live in fear? We put them in danger?” Vihaan lashed out. “That is unacceptable to me.”
