Page 51 of My Rebel

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Vihaan blinked, as if returning to the present. His eyes were clear as he tilted his head at her. “Why, hellcat? You’re awfully quiet? No questions buzzing around in that inquisitive mind of yours?”

“What do you think?”

He stared at her for a long moment.

“I think we should dance,” he said, taking her hand. “Didn’t you say you wanted to have a good time tonight?”

His change of subject was way too obvious, but she let it pass and allowed him to guide her to the dance floor. It was too good a night to get into a debate with him on his past, when he clearly didn’t trust her with it yet.

The dance floor was crowded and Vihaan stepped closer to her as they began to dance to the peppy music. She moved in front of him, their bodies close but not touching as they danced together. She shook her hips, raising her hands above her head and he kept watching her just like she was watching him. Excitement buzzed in her veins. The songs changed and yet they remained lost in one another. The air between them grew heavy. Thick with anticipation. They were so close, and yet so far.

Someone dashed into her, and Tiya fell forward against Vihaan’s chest. She put her hands on his shoulder, steadying herself. His deep, sudden inhale made her look up. The heated intensity in his eyes caused her heart to skitter. Her mouth dried. She wet her lips, and he growled.

His hands curved around her waist, keeping her pressed to him. His forehead lowered to hers.

“Fuck, Tiya! You warm me up every time you touch me,” he whispered. “Why?”

What was she to say to that? She had no reply to give him because it was the other way round. Every time he touched her, every time he was close like this, her skin went up in flames.

“I don’t want to think, Tiya. Just dance with me,” he mouthed against her ear. His lips brushed the sensitive skin just below her earlobe and she had to hold back a moan.

“Dance, Tiya,” he said again. “Just hold me and dance. I just want to revel in your warmth for a little while longer.”

His words caused tingles to run down her spine. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a warning bell rang, but she ignored it. Her hands curled into his shoulders, holding him to her. She needed his warmth too. She neededhim.

Every inch of their bodies was now touching. She began to move with him while he held her in his arms. A delicious hum began her in belly. Her eyes slammed shut and her hands tightened on his shoulders of their own accord. They further slipped down to his chest and Vihaan let out a shaky sigh. She opened her eyes. Their gazes clashed and held.

Her hands slowly crept up his chest, across his shoulders, to the nape of his neck and she tugged at his hair. Hard. His eyes turned wild, feral, the dark brown hue lightening to honey.

She dragged out a trapped breath.

God! He was gorgeous. His lips curved and that naughty sparkle was back in his eyes, just the way she liked it.

Dipping his head, he scraped his jaw against the side of her neck, his scruff deliciously grating her skin before his mouth trailed the same path in reverse. A low moan escaped her. This was insane. This wasn’t dancing, this was pure seduction. And it was drowning out all thought, all reason, everything. The only thing remaining in her mind was him. Vihaan. He was everywhere. His spicy scent surrounded her. The heat from his hands burned through her and his heavy breaths fell on her cheeks.

Her own breath hitched. She took a quick look around. The floor was packed and no one was watching them. And to be honest, she didn’t want what was going on between them to stop. It was too good to stop.

His hands on her waist slid lower leaving a trail of shivers behind. Clasping her hips, he tugged her even closer. She swayed to the music and now every move sent bolts of awareness rushing through her. She felt his hardness against her belly and a rough sound escaped her lips. He was invested in this too. He was involved in this…with whatever that was happening between them.

More shivers cascaded across her body with that knowledge, leaving her wanting, aching for more. She looked into his swirling eyes and found the answering heat in his gaze. Desire, want, need…everything he wanted from her was written in his brown depths. He did nothing to hide his craving from her. She knew what he wanted from her, exactly the way he knew what she wanted from him. This craving that had sprung between then had become living, breathing…an aching monster that needed satisfaction.

God! This was getting way out of control now. It was…too much. He was the only man who’d made her feel like this in forever. And they weren’t even a real couple. They’d started as fake but she didn’t know where they were going yet. Reality crashed through her like a bucket of cold water and she stepped back from him. He let her move away, then watched her quietly as they returned to his friends. Vihaan immediately got drawn into a conversation with Rajiv while Tiya took a seat next to Sheena.

Her mind was all over the place. She could no longer ignore what was going on between Vihaan and her. How could she continue to pretend their relationship was fake when everything between them felt so real? When they were close, in each other’s arms…touching…then the world ceased to end…everything just simply disappeared. The chemistry between them was wild; it was explosive and it was smoking hot. She had to see it through. She wanted to see it through.

“You like him, don’t you?” Sheena’s candid question broke through the haze of her mind.

“I do.” There was no point denying it. She did like him. A lot. He’d captured her attention the first time she’d met him, and the fascination for him had only grown since. For months, they’d been circling one another, never getting close. But the moment she’d taken his name in front of her mother, all that had ended. They had crashed together like she’d known they would, and now there was no going back from this fire that was slowly consuming them.

“So, you and him? Is it special?” Sheena put her palm up. “Sorry, I shouldn’t pry, but Rajiv gave Aaryan and Vihaan a key card years ago. They rarely come and when they do, they’re always alone. Never with a woman…and yet, Vihaan brought you here…to this place that is so special to him.”

Her curiosity peaked again, but she chose, yet again, to not ask his friend why this place was special to him.

“I’m sure it’s not a big deal,” Tiya said instead. Right at that moment, Vihaan’s gaze locked on hers and he raised his chin in question. She shook her head, wordlessly telling him she was fine.

“Can I be direct?” Sheena asked.

“By all means.”
