Page 52 of My Rebel

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“I saw you both on the dance floor and he was…different. We’ve never seen Vihaan like that.”

“How do you mean?” Tiya queried.

“He was so intense. Like nothing mattered to him more than you.”

Tiya let out a heavy breath.

“Rajiv and I both think the world of Vihaan and Aaryan. They’re honestly great humans, who got a bad deal in life. They’ve been rather lost and alone for far too long. I don’t know how much of his history Vihaan has shared with you, and I’m not at liberty to say more. But know this. If he lets you in, even the tiniest bit, then for certain he feels something for you.”

Tiya opened her mouth to finally ask a question, but Sheena’s phone rang. She stood and went to where the men were standing. Tiya went with her. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she finally decided what it was that she wanted from Vihaan.

Now she only had to ensure that she didn’t mess up whatever she was going to propose to him.


Vihaan stared blindly into the crowd at the nightclub, his mind swimming…exploding. Fuck! What had happened on the dance floor wasn’t supposed to have happened. But it had, and he hadn’t been able to stop it. He raked both his hands through his hair. He’d always prided himself on his iron-clad control. But with Tiya, he had no control. None. Every time he was with her, his mind emptied of all sane thoughts.

He just…he just couldn’t come to terms with what he felt each time Tiya was in his arms, her heat warming him up like it always did.

While she’d been away the last few days, he’d tried to convince himself that he was making up what he’d felt when he’d been with her in his head. That she wasn’t special. Even though he’d chatted with her on text daily, he’d told himself it was only to play his part in their fake relationship properly since he was to meet her parents soon. He repeatedly told himself that his heart wasn’t getting involved in any way with her. He thought he’d take her out tonight for her parents’ sake and also as a next step to get closer to her dad. But all those thoughts had vanished the moment he’d gotten off the cab and seen her waiting for him.

The minute he’d laid eyes on her, dressed in that gold flowy skirt that swayed as she walked, paired with the slim satin black shirt with its top three buttons open, the collar spread apart to show her cleavage, he’d been a goner. Her eyes had danced with mischief on seeing him, and that impish smile had been etched on her face. In that moment, something had gone thud in his chest.

And after feeling what he had right now—on the fucking dance floor no less—he could no longer ignore that whatever it was between them was evolving into something special.

Bringing her here to Rajiv’s night club had been an impulse decision. This club was special to him and, for some unfathomable reason, he’d wanted to bring her here, to this place that held an important piece of his past. Taking her out in his car, watching her enjoy herself had been a pleasure, one he didn’t regret even a bit. Hearing her infectious laugh had made him forget the stark reality of his life.

Fuck! How was he to stay away from her when being away from her only made him crave her more?

“You know you’re allowed to enjoy yourself, Vihaan,” Rajiv said, breaking into his thoughts.

His friend knew him all too well and Vihaan didn’t want him to suspect all the conflict going on in his head about Tiya.

So, he flashed him a smile instead. “Do I ever not enjoy when I’m out with a woman?”

Rajiv’s keen amber gaze settled on him. “So, she’s not special?”

“She can’t be.” Vihaan pivoted and rested his back against the railing, watching Tiya chat with Sheena. “I can’t get close to her like that.”

Rajiv gave him a somber look. “And yet you couldn’t take your hands off her. I’ve never seen you like that with any woman, ever.”

“Don’t make more of it.” Vihaan shrugged. “You know my life. Do you think I can afford to have someone special?”

“You know, Aaryan called me the minute you all learned Luthra had moved to Dubai. He’s been even more tense since then. And now you. You’re behaving as if it is the end of the world as well. As if being with a woman you could actually fall for is a crime. Shaurya found someone special. You could too.”

“Shaurya’s story is different and you know it. But me? I have to keep my family together. They all will always come first for me,” Vihaan expressed. “I can’t afford to get distracted or go off track, especially now. Especially after knowing that Luthra is hunting us to find Avi.”

“Then what were you doing with Tiya on the dance floor?”

Yes, what had he been doing with Tiya? Not just now, but all the times earlier too when he hadn’t been able to keep his hands and mouth off her. And what was he going to do with her in the future, now that he knew how she felt in his arms and how her lips tasted?

Vihaan heaved out a breath. “Nothing. Just forget it, Rajiv.”

Rajiv slapped a hand on his shoulder. “For years, I’ve seen you live for your family. Aaryan and you, both. It’s time for you to steal something special for yourself. You deserve it, Vihaan.”

Sheena and Rajiv were the only people in his life, apart from his family, who knew everything. He trusted them implicitly and seeing Tiya interact with them so naturally, like she belonged by his side, had felt like a sucker punch to his chest. It made him want things he never ought to want.

Sheena and Tiya approached them.
