Page 64 of My Rebel

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Vihaan reclined back in his seat. “Yeah, well, I was tired of Aaryan bothering me about it.”

“Since when do you listen to everything I say?” Aaryan unbuttoned his black jacket and moved to settle on the couch. His twin stared at Vihaan for a long moment. “Damn it! If my skin were a shade lighter, we’d be identical.”

“We can’t be identical when I’m better looking,” Vihaan countered.

Aaryan huffed out an annoyed breath. “Yeah, whatever.”

Shaurya took a seat beside Aaryan. “By the way, didn’t you say that the deserts of Dubai would freeze over before you’d think of cutting your hair?”

“Yeah, well, I thought a change was needed.”

Shaurya tapped his chin. “Did you really need a change or was it your guilty conscience acting up?”

Vihaan glared at him. Such an ass! His wife must have definitely told him that he’d been with Tiya a short while back. And if Tiya had confided in Myra then for sure Shaurya was aware of that too, and thus he was behaving all high and mighty, deliberately annoying him.

“What did you do now?” Aaryan sighed.

Vihaan pushed to his feet and joined his brothers on the couches lining one wall of his office.

“Tiya was upset with me and I didn’t want her to be upset, so I asked Myra to take me to where Tiya was working today, and then I asked her to cut my hair. It did bring a smile on her face for a bit. She’s not that mad at me now, I think.

Shaurya angled his head. “Why was she mad?”

“Tiya wants us to make our fake relationship real…” Vihaan confessed. “She wants more and, as you both know, I’m incapable of giving her more.”

Tiya’s desolate face came to his mind, but he pushed it out from his thoughts. This was the only way forward.

His brothers exchanged a glance.

“Let me run through this again.” Aaryan leaned forward. “The girl wants to make it more and you obviously don’t want it that way, and instead of leaving the situation as it were, you offered yourself to her, to cut your hair—that you never even wanted to cut in the first place—just to make her, your fake girlfriend, smile?”

“Uh…when you put it like that…it sounds—”

“—it sounds like you’re fucked,” Shaurya said gleefully.

“I’m not.”

“Oh, you’re definitely fucked,” Shaurya repeated with a loud laugh. “You like her, don’t you?”


“He likes her and he can’t even deny it,” Aaryan added, his lips curving in amusement. “He’s royally fucked.”

Vihaan scowled. “Stop saying that.”

“So very, very fucked!” Shaurya snorted.

Vihaan looked from one to the other. “Will you both just stop saying that? Tiya and I are not real. It will never be real between us because I don’t want her that way. Can we quit with the fooling around now?”

Aaryan straightened, all serious now. “Alright. What the hell were you doing chatting with Dev Luthra atClub Poseidonand how the hell did he find you there? And shouldn’t that have been the first thing you mentioned to us instead of mooning over Tiya for two days?”

“I’m not—” Vihaan shook his head.

Damn it! Aaryan had resources everywhere. And he was right. He ought to have told his family about his interaction with Luthra. But what could he tell them about it? For sure, he wasn’t telling them about the bet, which meant he had to make something up. Bloody fucking hell.

“What did he want, Vihaan?” Shaurya pressed.

“He just wanted to gloat that he’d found me, through Mr. Sood, I later learned. Although he did admit that he’s been trying to have me trailed but, so far, has been unsuccessful. Oh, and Rajiv and Sheena were there last night. Dev saw me with them and concluded that Rajiv had helped us escape undetected to Dubai all those years ago.”
