Page 67 of My Rebel

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Tiya dropped her two trolley bags in the living room of her house and stretched her arms over her head. God! She was exhausted—mentally and physically. All she wanted to do was have a nice long soak in her tub and then sleep. She had been working nonstop for the last five days in Mumbai, and when she’d finally slept, she hardly managed to get any real shut-eye. Thoughts of Vihaan had kept her awake for long hours in the night. His easy dismissal of what they’d shared still hurt her. She really ought to move on from this, yet she was finding it hard to do so.

One thing, however, she’d decided upon was that she needed to end this farce with Vihaan Rajpoot soon, even if it meant telling the truth to her parents and facing whatever they did post that. She deserved their censure and even their matchmaking after the colossal fool she’d been over him.

She took a deep breath. She was going to end this farce. She deserved better than being with someone she liked, and who didn’t like her back. Once this bandage was ripped, she’d be able to go on with her life without having to meet Vihaan Rajpoot again.

Her emotions were all over the place and she just needed someone to talk to. Unfortunately for her, Myra was in Shimla. Tiya checked the time. It was just a little past nine in the night and maybe a bit late to catch up with Myra over the phone because of their time difference.

She moved deeper inside her house and heard soft music and muted voices. Looked like her parents were entertaining for the night. Pasting a smile on her face, she stepped into the living room and froze.

Her heart began to run.

He was here… Vihaan. And from the looks of it, having a grand time with her parents as they all sat in the living room sipping wine and chatting animatedly.

Her eyes hungrily took him in.

Fucking crapsticks! She’d forgotten how good he looked in the short haircut she’d given him. While earlier he’d looked wild and rugged, now he was just plain hot. His hair fell in sexy waves on top of his head, allowing his chiseled jawline to stand out. His white shirt, with its sleeves sexily rolled up and two buttons left open, showed off his chest to perfection.Hewas perfection.

God! She was an idiot to be swooning over him when, just minutes ago, she’d resolved to end this fake relationship.

Catching her watching him, he paused whatever conversation he was having with her folks and stared at her.

“Tiya,” her mom chirped, “You’re back.”

“Hi, Mom, Dad,” Tiya greeted aloud. Reaching her parents, she kissed both their cheeks.

She turned to Vihaan. “What are you doing here?”

His face broke into a lazy smile as he took her in from head to toe, leaving a trail of heat over her skin, before his eyes returned to her face.

“Are you still mad at me, baby?” he drawled.

“You’re fighting with him?” her mom asked her.

“Yes,” Vihaan answered.

“No,” Tiya replied at the same time.

Her parents laughed.

Tiya clucked her tongue, her temper rising swiftly. Why was he here? She’d told him that she didn’t need to show to her parents they were a couple anymore.

Agreed her text had been vague and she needed to spell it out for him, but he was an intelligent man and he must have understood what she’d implied the last time he’d texted her, which was over four days ago.

Damn it. She shouldn’t be annoyed by the fact that he hadn’t texted her or called her. He’d made his position absolutely clear. Then why was she finding it hard to accept it still? And why the hell was he here in the first place, looking all cozy and comfy?

Business, he was here for her dad’s business, of course. It had to be that.

“Why are you simply standing there, gaping at him?” her father asked. “Come sit with us.”

Vihaan tipped his head to the empty seat next to him. Throwing him a glower, she deliberately sat beside her mom instead.

Her father poured her some wine.

“How was your trip?” Vihaan asked her.

“Good.” She raised her glass to her lips and took a long swallow. She addressed her mom. “I just spoke to you before I took off and you never told me Vihaan was coming over.”
