Page 93 of My Rebel

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So many emotions welled up inside Vihaan. Images from the past flashed through his mind.

His parents’ shooting.

Aaryan and he trying to escape.

Avi getting hurt.

Dev’s face as he watched it all.

Tiya’s voice suddenly rang in his ears. Her happy, smiling face replaced the past in his mind.

Tiya laughing at something he’d said.

Tiya giving him a soft smile over her shoulder.

Tiya waking up next to him.

Her arms wrapped around him like she could keep him safe.

He breathed out.

She’d given him hope for a better future, if only he could let go of the bitterness that had plagued him for so long.

“I’m sorry…” the older man repeated, looking pained. “I’m sorry I did nothing to stop what happened. I’m sorry that it may have been my money that may have been used in everything that occurred then.”

Vihaan shook his head. “It’s not your fault, Uncle. We can’t change the past no matter how much we wish to. Thank you for telling us this and giving us better clarity—one we’ve lacked for a long time.”

“I don’t understand something.” Aaryan stood up as well. “Despite knowing all this, you chose to hand your company over to his son? You are fond of Dev Luthra, are you not?”

“Dev had no hand in his father’s crimes. I’ve known him since he was a kid. He’s been nothing but respectful to me,” Jatin Sood explained. “I’m aware ofKeyStone’s cement problems. Shaurya had already asked for my help in increasing your supplies and I’ve helped as much as I am able to. Dev never wanted to marry Tiya, but he called in the favor his dad had done me when he lent me the money to start my business. He doesn’t know I repaid that favor long ago by returning not only the money but the interest too to his dad and nor did I want to tell him that. He told me he wants my business at any cost. I don’t know his reasons, but I’m an honorable man. It was because of his dad’s money I started my business in the first place and hence, I couldn’t say no to Dev. Besides, he’s paid me even more money than I’d asked for.”

“Fucking bastard,” Shaurya muttered.

The older man’s brows shot up.

“Apologies,” Shaurya winced. “But Dev is not so white as he’s portrayed in front of you.”

Vihaan took a seat in front of Tiya’s dad again. “Allow me to explain our side of the story and then you can judge for yourself if Dev is clean or not.”

“Vihaan,” Aaryan warned.

“He needs to know,” Vihaan said. “We need to let him in, especially if I’m marrying his daughter.”

“What?” Jatin Sood gaped at him.

“Yeah, I made a mistake,” he confessed. “If she’ll have me back then I’ll spend my whole life making it up to her.”

A smile crept up the older man’s lips, lighting up his whole face. Vihaan began to narrate their story to him and Jatin Sood listened with a mixture of astonishment and shock.

“I can’t believe Dev could do something like this…” he said when Vihaan was done. “No. He’s not that person.”

“Are you still siding with him after everything you’ve just learnt?” Shaurya asked, sounding furious now.

“I’m not siding with him. It’s just that I’ve known him for years. Before, when his dad was alive, he looked like a man weighed down by something. He was quiet and did whatever his dad asked of him. But now, after his dad passed, he’s really come into his own. He’s made a name for himself, one that is not built on wrong doings like his dad’s. He’s even closed down the smuggling racket his dad was involved in. He’s good to his staff and he’s grown the business manifold.”

“You mean the business a major chunk of which actually belongs to us,” Aaryan corrected him.

Vihaan straightened. “Uncle, I told you our story because Tiya taught me that I need to believe in people, that I need to let more people in. Please don’t make me regret that decision now.”
