Page 94 of My Rebel

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Jatin Sood sighed. “You have my word that I will never utter anything I heard to anyone else. However, my wife needs to know and I assure you she will keep this to herself as well. But believe me when I say that there just might be a bit more to Dev.”

“It’s hard to believe that when we’ve lived through his betrayal,” Vihaan said.

“Alright then,” Tiya’s dad spoke directly to Vihaan. “Since I have to choose a side here, as is obvious, I will choose you over Dev Luthra any day. You are my daughter’s choice and I will always stand with her. Tiya and I may have had our differences, as most parents have with their kids, but she’s the center of my world. Tiya loves you and I don’t know why she didn’t tell you my part in your history. But if you love her then you need to go make up with her right away. I won’t have another tear spill down her cheek again because of whatever you did.”

Vihaan didn’t know why she hadn’t confided in him but he didn’t care about that anymore. He was certain she had her reasons and he would learn them after he got her to forgive him.

History could take rest for a while. What mattered the most was Tiya and how he could fix things with her. His mind began to spin, churning out a plan that would get the woman he loved to at least listen to what he had to say to her.


Tiya stared at her wan reflection in the mirror on her dresser. She looked fine, after all she knew her way with makeup, and none of her parents’ guests would be able to find a flaw on her face. Yes, on the outside she looked fine, but inside, her heart still bled.

Vihaan had broken her beyond repair. She’d wept for him for three days straight. His betrayal still stung. His harsh words still rang in her ears. She hadn’t worked, she’d barely eaten, hardly slept. She was too emotionally raw to be out and about and attending a party so soon, yet her parents needed her to be there for them. They’d stood by her like silent rocks through the last few days. She’d finally confessed and told them everything from the beginning, and they hadn’t said a word to her for her stupid fiasco. Between them and Myra, they’d been by her side throughout. Even Shaurya had stopped by to meet her. He’d been quiet mostly, because what could he say to make it better after his brother had hurt her...

One day soon, she hoped she’d be able to think of Vihaan and not want to cry. But tonight, she’d paste a smile on her face and play the part of a perfect hostess for her parents. Her dad had organized this farewell dinner for a few of his business associates and she would see it through even though all she wanted to do was curl up in bed and be alone with her thoughts.

Her mom entered her room bearing a warm smile. “Are you ready, darling?”

Tiya nodded.

Her mother patted her head before meeting her eyes through the mirror. “You know, sweetheart, your dad and I want you to be happy. We may not agree on everything, but we love you lots and seeing you miserable breaks our hearts as well.”

“I’m fine, Mom,” Tiya reassured her.

“Are you?” Her mom shook her head. “While you have always been a bit wild and a bit rebellious, you do have the kindest heart and the most forgiving nature. I hope you don’t let one incident change that. I hope you always listen with an open heart and love hard like only you know how to.”

What was her mother trying to tell her? Before Tiya could question that, her mom said, “Come soon, our guests have arrived. I’ll see you downstairs.”

Tiya had been so lost in her own misery that she hadn’t even heard anyone arrive. Applying a last coat on her lipstick, she headed down the stairs. The house was too silent when she reached the living room. Soft lights drifted from the garden and she wandered toward it wondering where everyone was.

She stepped into the lawn and her heart skipped a beat as she saw him. Vihaan was here?!

Standing amidst the softly lit lanterns, dressed in a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up, and black trousers, his dark smoldering eyes pinned to her, he was the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on. She drank him in for a whole second before reality kicked in. Annoyed with herself, she spun back around to leave.

“Tiya, please wait,” he entreated.

She kept marching forward, refusing to listen to a word that came out of his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” he said loudly. “I made a mistake. Please allow me to explain.”

Anger bubbled through her. She swung around.

“You’re sorry?” she yelled. “After hurting me in the cruelest way possible? In front of your so-called enemy that too?”


“No, you don’t get to explain. You told me I meant nothing to you. That none of it was real between us. You never wanted me in the first place. You made it clear a hundred times and the fool that I was, I still forced myself on you. NEVER AGAIN. You hear me. I’m done. Go away and don’t come back.”

She walked a few steps away and then something struck her mind. She came back to him, saw the desolate expression on his face but refused to react to it. To feel anything for him.

“How the hell did you even come here?” she asked. “It’s obvious my parents helped you plan this.”

“They did.”

“Good. Then allow me to fill you in on something that will most certainly make you go away.”

