Page 96 of My Rebel

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Happiness flooded through her. He’d actually told her dad everything. That was…that was unbelievable and so very brave of him to let her parents into his tight circle. To trust them with his most important secret and he’d done it for her.

Vihaan kissed her cheeks one by one. “What started off as fake between us has ended up being the most real thing in my life. This is me, the man who loves you the most in the world, beggingyouto take a chance onme.”

She wanted to. God! She wanted him. Living without him the last three days had felt like her soul had been ripped in half. She breathed in his scent. That spicy scent that always made her head spin. It was just so him.

“You know my story…,” he said. “I’ve never thought myself good enough for you. You’re so beautiful and pure, while me… I’ve experienced things that no one ought to. For the longest, I pushed you away because I thought you deserved someone better than me. I thought I’d be ruining your life by bringing you in mine. But I can’t any more. You were born for me, Tiya. Just like I was born for you.”

Her heart went out to him. He thought he wasn’t good enough for her when there was no one she wanted more than him.

“In the end, it is our experiences that make us who we are,” Tiya finally said. “And I fell foryou. I love you as you are. I see you. I’ve always seen who you are and you are warm and kind, and brilliant and wonderful in every way. I love you, Vihaan.”

He rested his forehead on hers. “I love you so much, baby. Every minute without you hurt a little harder than the previous one. My life isn’t easy, Tiya. I live in seclusion. I hide my whereabouts and now that I can’t get Dev to go away, he’ll become even more relentless in hunting my family. Will you be able to live through all that? Every step you take will have to be planned. All your social outings will have to be monitored. Even your work commitments will have to be carefully considered. You won’t live a free life, Tiya.”

“It’s not a lot to ask if I get to be with you every single day of my life.”

His hands framed her face and he lowered his mouth to hers. The minute his lips touched hers, it was fireworks… Tongues clashed, mouths crashed, teeth scraped and her hands roamed over every inch of available skin she could find. It was wild, it was exciting, it was just the way she liked it.

“So, will you marry me?” he asked, in between kisses.

She faltered a step back. “You’re proposing to me? Now?”

“Yes. I can’t live without you. I’ve been miserable the past days.”

“You arrogant twat-wanker.” She punched his chest. “You…you’ve been miserable? How do you think I’ve been feeling? Do you think it’s been rainbows and sunshine for me?”

He laughed, the sound twinkling around her, settling into her heart, making her feel alive once again. But he wasn’t going to get away this easy.

She tugged the ends of his hair. “I’ve just about forgiven you, Vihaan Rajpoot. You will have to grovel a bit more to get me to agree to marry you.”

“Whatever you want, hellcat.” He kissed her mouth again. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

She hugged him close, never wanting him to let go. Her chest soared with delight. She’d loved him for so long and now, after all their ups and downs, he was finally hers—no secrets and no misunderstandings between them.

He leaned down to kiss her one last time, before he linked her hand in his. “Come on, your parents are waiting somewhere inside the house. We’ll have dinner with them and then you’re coming home with me. I haven’t slept a wink in the last few days. I just want to hold you and sleep.”

“Only sleep?” She ran a teasing hand down his throat, her fingers fluttering on the triangle of skin exposed by the open collar of his shirt. “Are you sure?”

His eyes heated. “Fuck! This is going to be a long dinner.”

She chuckled as he began to lead her inside the house when she tugged his hand, halting him.

“What are you going to do about Dev?” she asked. “AndKeyStone’scement problems?”

“Aaryan is working out a solution for the cement as we speak. I pray he does, else we will be in big trouble. Also, as per the terms of my bet with Dev, if I choose you then I have to answer his questions. But all that is for another day. Right now, we go and celebrate with your family.”

Delighted, she entered her home to where her parents were waiting for them, their eyes misted. Vihaan went up to her dad and enveloped him in a hug.

Her heart swelled seeing the two most important men in her life at peace. All was exactly as it was meant to be and she couldn’t be happier.


Vihaan stared at the glass façade of the building he was about to enter. Shaurya stood by his side, a pillar of strength and support as always.

“You don’t have to do this, you know…” Shaurya said, clasping his shoulder. “He doesn’t deserve it.”

Vihaan sighed. “He doesn’t. But if I don’t do it, then it makes me just like him—a man lacking integrity and honor.”

Shaurya nodded. “Fine, then let’s get it over with.”
