Page 97 of My Rebel

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They entered the building and were ushered up the elevator. Minutes later, Shaurya and he were shown straight into the enemy’s lair.

Dev Luthra looked up at them from across the wide expanse of his desk. His eyes alternated from Shaurya to him. His lips tipped up in a victorious grin and Vihaan wanted to smash his face. But he held himself at bay. He had to get this over and done with.

Dev splayed a lazy hand out. “I’d offer you both a seat, but we all know this isn’t a social visit.”

Vihaan’s jaw tightened. It didn’t go unmissed because Dev smirked.

“So, you fell for her…like I knew you would,” Dev said.

Vihaan nodded slowly. Tiya’s dad had set up this meeting with Dev, and he’d told Luthra about Vihaan and Tiya being together among other things.

“I believe Uncle Jatin cutting ties with me is all your doing.” Dev put forth.

“He knows I’m in love with his daughter. He had to pick a side and of course he chose us.”

“I’m a bit tired of you all painting me to be the villain.”

Ignoring that ridiculous statement, Vihaan said, “You promised to leave Tiya’s family alone no matter which way this bet went. Will you honor your promise?”

Dev twirled the paper weight on his desk. “Will you honor our bet?”

“I will.”

Dev stood, crossed his arms over his chest. “Then tell me is she alive? Is Avi alive?”

“Yes,” Vihaan sighed.

Dev’s expression faltered for a short moment. He shut his eyes and when he opened them again, his face was once again devoid of any expression whatsoever.

“Is she safe?” he asked.


Dev cleared his throat before asking. “Where is she? Is she in Dubai?”

Vihaan smiled. “You’ve already asked me two questions and I was honor-bound to answer those honestly. Our wager specifically stated that I’d have to answer your questions. We never stipulated how many. Hence, I’ll stop at two.”


“No, Dev. You watched while your father’s henchman hurt Avi, while he sliced through her skin over and over. She loved you, she believed in you. We all believed in you, but you don’t know the meaning of love, loyalty, friendship and family. We will never forgive you for what you did to us. For what you put her through. We will protect her with our life if we have to. You will never know where she is or what she’s doing. And whether she’s happily married, living a life far away from the likes of you.”

Dev froze. Something akin to despair crossed his face before he replaced it with cold fury.

“I think Avi is in Dubai. She’s near, I’m certain. A few days ago, I was at Hotel Kempinski and for the first time in twelve years, I felt my internal radar telling me she was there, close by. I ignored it then, but no more.”

Shaurya stiffened beside him and it took a supreme amount of will on Vihaan’s part to keep his expression neutral.

“I will find her, Vihaan,” Dev declared. “That is a promise.”

Shaurya took a step forward. “You may try. But you will never succeed. All of us are willing to lay our lives down for her. We will never let you get within one inch of her.”

“Challenge accepted,” Dev bit out. “Like I already told Vihaan once, I am inevitable. You can’t escape me, no matter how hard you try. I will find her. Now, both of you, get out of my office.”

“What about the promise you made me no matter who wins or loses?” Vihaan asked.

“If you recall, you specifically spoke of Myra, Shaurya, you, Tiya and her family. Hence, I will honor your words. You all are safe and I won’t come near you again as promised. You never mentioned Aaryan and Avi. Tell Aaryan, he and I are going to meet one day soon.”

“You fucking bastard,” Shaurya growled. He took an irate step forward, but Vihaan pulled him back.
