Page 98 of My Rebel

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“What happened to you, Dev?” Vihaan asked. “At one time, you claimed to be our friend—my friend—and you…you deceived us in the worst way possible.”

“Well, isn’t that exactly what a villain does?!” Dev shrugged. “And I am the villain in your story, am I not?”

God! The gall of this man. He had no remorse. None. He’d destroyed their family and stood there calm and composed like it didn’t matter at all.

“You know, Dev,” Vihaan began. “Since that awful night, not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you. That I haven’t questioned why you did what you did. That I haven’t cursed you and wished the worst befell you. That I haven’t wanted to end your very existence. But now, I see you and I only pity you.”

“Pity?!” Dev scoffed. He spread his arms out. “Look around you, at the empire I’ve built. It doesn’t look pitiful to me at all.”

Vihaan laughed. “Yes, you’re a king in a tower. But what use is a kingdom when you are alone? Us, on the other hand… We flourished. We have friends and more importantly, we are a family.” He put his hand on Shaurya’s arm. “We have another brother, we have a sister in-law and now we have Tiya as well. Our family is growing in spite of what you tried to do to us. And we will grow despite what you may try again. We are not scared of you anymore. You own our land, our heritage and we will get that back from you someday soon. That is my promise to you.”

“It seems to me that all your roads lead to me,” Dev mocked. “How are your cement supplies? Found a new company to buy from? You know I’m willing to negotiate a deal with you on my terms.”

“We don’t need you. We will never need you,” Vihaan said proudly. “You rememberLavell Cement? I believe you threatened them with dire consequences if they sold cement to us. Well, I’m happy to inform you thatKeyStoneis now the proud owner ofLavell Cement.”

“I’d warned them against this very thing,” Dev replied calmly, “and now I’ll end them.”

“Why?” Vihaan smirked. “As per your threat, they weren’t supposed to sell toKeyStone. You never stopped them from selling to someone else. How is it their fault if that someone else sold to us?”

Dev’s eyes widened with realization. “Poseidon.”

Vihaan nodded.

“FuckingPoseidonand Rajiv Mehra,” Dev spat out. “He’s been a bloody thorn in my side for most of my life.”

“You think you’re a step ahead of us. Well, my brother is always two steps ahead of you.”

This was what Aaryan had been working on in Kuwait. Finally, he’d told them how he’d roped in Rajiv Mehra to help him buy the cement company he’d wanted all along.

“It’s just a matter of time before I hold something that Aaryan wants desperately.” Dev stared at them, his jaw ticking. “I will find what that is and then Aaryan will have no choice but to come to me.”

“We shall see about that,” Shaurya said.

Vihaan winked at Dev and gave him a two-finger salute before leaving his office with Shaurya right beside him.

“That went well,” Shaurya said, once they were outside the building again.

Vihaan heaved out a relieved breath. “We are safe for now. But Aaryan and Avi need to be even more careful.”

Shaurya nodded.

A black Mustang stopped in front of them. Vihaan’s heart soared seeing Tiya behind the steering wheel.

He smiled. “My ride’s here.”

Shaurya grinned. He patted him on the back and left.

Vihaan climbed inside the waiting car.

Tiya pushed her sunglasses on her head. “It’s done?”

“Yes, it’s over,” Vihaan breathed out.

She ran her hand down his jaw. Last night, while they’d been together, she’d helped him come up with a plan to thwart Dev and it had worked. They were all safe for the moment. And they’d be safe tomorrow. He’d ensure it no matter what.

He held her palm and kissed it in the centre. “I love you.”

In response, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Warmth rushed through every inch of him.
