Page 105 of My Sinner

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“That was bound to happen.”

“Yeah, but…”

Dev’s phone rang. It was Vihaan. His spirits soared. Maybe Vihaan was willing to talk. He answered the phone.

“Dev,” Vihaan said, sounding serious. “We’re in trouble.”

Dev immediately put his phone on speaker.

“Sanjana and Avantika were in the forest behind the house with your uncle, and he’s holding them hostage.”

Fear mixed with shock slammed through him.

“Wait, what?” Air sucked out of his lungs. “My uncle?”

“Yes. He has a gun pointed at them,” Vihaan said.

Why would his uncle want to hurt Avantika and Sanjana? It didn’t make sense.

“How do you know this?” Aaryan asked Vihaan.

Dev pressed his foot on the accelerator while Vihaan spoke.

“Neil told me. He was with me since morning,” Vihaan explained. “He seems fascinated by the forest behind your house. I took him there to show him some of our old haunts. When we were done, I dropped him at the back of the house via the forest. I saw the security patrolling the grounds and thought everything was safe. I waited till he entered the main grounds of the house, and then I left.”

Bile formed in Dev’s stomach. Neil! Oh God!

“Where’s Neil now?” Dev asked.

“With me. He’s safe. I’ve got him. I’m driving him to Myra’s dad’s house.”

A tiny breath of relief filtered through Dev, but it was quickly replaced by other emotions—anger, fear, betrayal. Uncle Raj was holding Avantika and Sanjana hostage? How? Why?

“Vihaan, continue,” Aaryan said. “What else did Neil see?”

“Apparently, Neil got distracted by some butterflies and ventured deeper into the gardens that join the forest at the other side from where I was. That’s when he saw a man pointing a gun at the girls. He overheard Avi call him your uncle and she apparently hinted loudly for Neil to find Dev and tell him where they were. But he called me first since he thought I would be closer. I told him to stay in place while I went back to fetch him. The security…they’ve been compromised. I realized that when I went to find him. I saw a few of them subdue the other guards. Your uncle’s doing, I presume.”

Dev was well aware the forest was too dense, encompassing the entire back of his house. There were many paths from his house that led to the forest beyond. Vihaan knew those grounds like the back of his hand. He, Aaryan, and Dev had spent far too much time in the past traversing those forest trails on foot or on bicycles. It was the shortest way to the Rajpoots’ old house, which, otherwise, could be accessed only by a vehicle from his house.

“Aaryan and I will reach the border of the forest in a few minutes. You know the trail that starts from near the army heritage museum?” Dev said, his mind working. “We will get to the house by foot from there. I assume Uncle’s men have their weapons drawn.”


“Look after my son, Vihaan, and call the cops.”

Aaryan looked at Dev. “Why would your uncle try to hurt them?

“I don’t know. I just have to get to them right away.”

Dev broke through a signal and pushed into the traffic. A car honked behind him, but he didn’t care. He had to get to the women he loved.

“Pass the phone to Neil, please,” Dev said.

“Dad,” Neil began the minute he came on the line. “That man…he had a gun pointed at Mom and Sanj. Mom said he was your uncle. I’m scared, Dad. What if he hurts Mom or Sanj?”

“Neil, I promise you that your mother and Sanjana will be safe,” Dev vowed.

“But…he’s your uncle…why would…”
