Page 104 of My Sinner

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“Oh my God,” Sanjana exclaimed. “So, my dad didn’t even really care about Aaryan’s mom. No wonder it was so easy for him to kill her. He wasn’t in love with her; you just instigated him into believing that Aaryan’s dad had gotten a better life than him because she was with him.”

“Of course, and it worked. It took me a while, but slowly Pritam started to resent the Rajpoots; he started blaming Rushabh for everything that didn’t go his way. He even started the smuggling business with me, using his joint business with Rushabh to smuggle to other cities and even other countries. We were growing so rich together.”

“It took my father a while, but he did figure it out,” Avantika said. “And that’s when you decided to take your final revenge and end all of us, isn’t it?”

God! All that had happened in the past was for what? Because of jealousy over friendships? Because of lies? Because a son had manipulated his parent into seeing only the good in him?

Dev’s uncle waved the gun in her face. Her heart slowed.

“Rushabh Rajpoot learned about the smuggling and decided to break ties with Pritam,” he said. “He caught a marijuana shipment and destroyed the whole lot. He cut Pritam out of all the finances as well. By then, Pritam was firmly against him and on my side. So, when I told him about the plan to attack your family, he didn’t even bat an eye. He only wanted to amass more wealth, which I told him he would get once the Rajpoots were gone. I planned everything carefully. I even ensured that the money Pritam needed to cover the cost of the lost shipments was taken from Jatin Sood, an old friend. I didn’t want my name to come anywhere.”

“So you destroyed all our lives,” Sanjana yelled.

“Oh please, in life, sacrifices have to be made in the bigger scheme of things. The Rajpoots were gone, and Pritam and I did so much business together. We got so close. There was no one he trusted more than me. In fact, you and Dev also trusted me more than your father. You had a better relationship with me than with him. I was finally getting the priority and importance I deserved.Ifinally came first for everyone. I was family, and family ought to come first…always. Everything was exactly how I wanted it to be, how it should have been right from the start. But then Pritam died. Dev took control and stopped everything. He didn’t even dig deeper to find out whom your father was working with. He just ended it. I was glad he never learned it was me backing your father.”

“That’s because Dev isn’t like Pritam Luthra,” Avantika said, hoping to keep the man talking. She looked around, still unable to find a way out of this mess.

“Did you know they hurt me? They hurt Dev too?” Sanjana raged. “They shredded his skin, and then they did the same to me, only to make him comply to my father’s cruel demands.”

“It was his punishment for ignoring his cousin when he should have chosen him over everyone else. Family ought to come first, always and no matter what.” Her uncle simply flipped a hand nonchalantly. “You’ve lost your memory of that time, I know. Your dad kept me in the loop. But Dev? I know he remembers it all. He should have been loyal to his father, me, and his cousin. Not to the Rajpoots. I thought that punishment was enough to turn Dev to our side. I even forgave you and him. But I was wrong. For years, I’d assumed Dev had learnt his lesson and understood where his loyalties lay.” He pointed at Avantika. “During that trip to Shimla, I’d seen how much he adored her, but unfortunately, Pritam never believed me. Dev managed to fool us for years. It was only after I saw Dev in London with her that I began to question his loyalties again. So easily, he’d accepted Aaryan and your relationship. And he looked besotted by her. Still, I didn’t believe that Dev would switch sides until I learned he was living in Dubai with her and her son. He’d given up his whole legacy for her. Once again, he’d chosen the Rajpoots over his family.”

God! This man was insane. He destroyed Dev’s life and pretended to care for him for years. So much so that even Dev had believed his care and concern. Raj Chauhan was a complete narcissist. He didn’t care for anyone but himself, and he’d cleverly hidden that side of him from Dev and Sanjana.

“You’re sick, and your son was sick,” Sanjana sputtered. “You’re despicable and cruel.”

“And you need to shut up,” her uncle shouted. “You fell in love with the enemy, and now, so has your brother. The Rajpoots rose from the dead, and instead of fighting them, you and your brother decided to make peace with them. After I kidnapped Aaryan Rajpoot, both you and Dev were against it. I should have figured out then and there that you both would choose them over me again. But I didn’t, and that was a mistake. But no more. Losing you and Avantika will be enough punishment for Dev. Losing his son will be worse. None of you can win with me. My son never got to live a happy life, and neither will you. Once I’m done with you, I’ll ensure I kill Vihaan’s wife too. I wish she was here right now with you, so I could’ve finished her once and for all as well.”

“Why would you hurt Tiya?” Sanjana asked. “Her dad is your friend.”

“But her death will hurt Vihaan Rajpoot just like your deaths will hurt Aaryan and Dev. I will have my revenge once and for all. I left everything to Pritam Luthra all those years ago, and he never even saw to it whether the Rajpoots were all actually killed or not. They escaped, and we didn’t even know. I won’t rest till I end your lives.”

“You’re crazy,” Avantika said. “Dev will kill you for hurting any of us.”

Raj laughed again. “And tell me, how will he even find out the truth? Who will tell him? Last I checked, he was still at the mines with your brother. I will be long gone before he even finds your bodies.”

The man Dev’s uncle had sent to look for Neil returned. Avantika’s heart pounded.

“Sir, the boy is not in the house,” the man said. “The old butler said that he’s gone further into the forest; he goes there to explore by himself, it seems.”

“Looks like we are going to the forest to find your son,” Raj said. “Start walking, both of you.”

Avantika exhaled a sigh of relief. Neil was still safe and hopefully hiding out of sight. She was so grateful to Dev’s old butler. By lying about Neil’s location, he’d probably given them more time. She prayed Neil managed to get across to Dev as she and Sanjana started walking in the direction of the forest.

Sanjana shared a scared look with her. Avantika was afraid too. This man was crazy—a lunatic. God! Their troubles never seemed to end. Each time she thought she finally had peace, fate threw a new curveball in her direction. But she had to be strong. Dev would come for her. She knew it. Their story couldn’t end like this.


“You did a great job easing the minds of the workers today.” Dev looked through the rear-view mirror of the car he was driving. Following them was a car with two security guards. “I’m glad you were here to talk to them. The staff need to see that the new management cares.”

Aaryan didn’t say anything; he was just lost in thought.

Last night, upon Sanjana’s insistence, she and Aaryan had stayed the night in Dev’s house, and after the girls had gone to bed, he’d spent a few hours talking to Aaryan. They were conversing after years, and they had a wealth of catching up to do. Only Vihaan had to accept him again, and then all would be well.

But he would. He’d make sure his old friend accepted him back.

Sensing Aaryan’s silence, Dev asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been thinking about the business. It’s been a bit hard since we took overLuthra Inc.”
