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David really saved her today. Even if he didn’t know it, she’d dedicate her performance to him. There was no way she would have ever made it there on time and been able to sort out her hotel problems without his help. How ironic that she was staying in the Rose Suite in the St. Georgeanddancing the role of Aurora, famous for the Rose Adagio and Wedding Pas.

Is this fate?


The Gala Of Ballet Stars

His Royal Highness Prince David, the Duke of Leeds, took his seat next to his mother, the Princess Royal, sister to the reigning monarch, King Reginald. David highly anticipated seeing Clara dance on stage. He didn’t understand how Clara could perform knowing she was injured. How could she rehearse on it? Wouldn’t she want to save herself for the performance? He had so much to learn.David’s respect for any dancer grew that night. He would never look at any form of dance the same.

Not surprisingly, David’s mother spent almost their entire dinner together attempting to delve into David’s desire to attend the gala performance with her. David did not often go out on engagements with his mother. In contrast, David’s mother was one of the most active members of the royal family. He preferred to keep as low a profile as possible and focus on behind-the-scenes charity work and his own side projects. The public didn’t need to know how active he was. The work was its own reward.

As expected, his arrival attracted a swarm of British press. Flashes from every possible angle caught him entering the Opera House. David put on his royal face for as long as he could stand it. If he made it through the night without his mother finding out about his non-date, he’d be amazed. For a person who avoided the press as much as possible, David understood that the public liked to catch a glimpse of him every now and then, especially when he dressed to the nines in a tuxedo. Being single added to his mysterious allure. It was a necessary evil that David endured rather than enjoyed.

David and his mother finished their photo call on the rope line and entered the theater. In one of the private rooms for important guests of the Royal Ballet, David prepared for a round of verbal gymnastics with his mother. David poured glasses of red wine for himself and his mother and sat across from her as they enjoyed a few snacks with their wine.

“I hope she is worth all of this effort, David,” his mother baited him. If there was ever a person who would have made an excellent barrister, it would have been David’s mother. She hada way with words David was never gifted with. How was she always so at ease in every situation? Clara wouldn’t be intimidated with someone like his mother. She would stand her ground.

David’s attention was on the program. He studied it intently and flipped to the page featuring Clara’s profile. He absentmindedly replied, “After Eddie’s mess this afternoon, I couldn’t get her out of my head.” David froze and closed his eyes in resignation. He’d been doing so well.This is why I can’t have nice things. I can’t hide anything from my mother. Here come the questions.

“So this woman was involved in the Edward incident from earlier today?” David felt his mother watching him like a hawk watching its prey. “David, do tell. You aren’t one to normally keep secrets from me. It will all come out eventually. Save yourself the trouble, dear. I’ve been waiting for you to date for over two years now. It’s been much, much too long.”

“Mother, I had a slip of the tongue.” David tried to play it off. She wasn’t going to buy his sod of an excuse.Game over. It was wishful thinking to believe he’d be able to keep Clara’s identity a secret.

“I raised you, dear. You know better than to try to pull the wool over my eyes, David Michael Alexander Arthur. You were supposed to be in America for another week. I’m calling your bluff. Explain.”

“There is not much to explain, as I mentioned over the phone to you. Eddie called last night, panicked and clearly upset. I assumed the worst and flew back early to assist.” David shrugged attempting to play down his concern over Eddie. He could just picture Eddie doing something as dumb as flying off to Italy to buy a fleet of race cars and race them back to England against friends from Eton. Eddie didn’t do anything by halves and didn’t often drive. A stunt like that could end in a number of horrific ways.

“Edward is now twenty. He is heir to the British throne and cannot rely on you every time he has a problem. He will be attending Sandhurst in three months. It’s time for him to grow up and learn to be his own man.” David’s mother’s voice changed into a softer tone.

“Eddie needs guidance. You have to admit he was doing better. There is so much pressure on him.” David thought about his own childhood. Eddie reminded him so much of himself. He hated the media attention. It was going to get worse as he got older. Maybe time in the army was what Eddie needed. It did wonders for David’s shyness and was the one time in his life he felt he could just be David and not Prince David.

“You invest too much of yourself into him.”

“I know, but I want him to have what I never had.” David mentally added,Eddie needs a strong male influence. His father doesn’t seem to understand.

Both mother and son remained silent, contemplating the past and the future. David’s thoughts drifted to how he could encourage Eddie to change his ways, like many times before.

His mother cleared her throat. “Before we are interrupted, we are not done discussing your dating life. More importantly, who is this woman who has captured your attention?”

David was saved from having to answer her by the arrival of Dr. and Mrs. Evans and their daughter Jenna. Both royals stood to greet their guests.

“Your Highnesses. I owe you a debt of gratitude for inviting my family to be in the royal box with you!” Dr. Evans smiled.

“James Evans, you know better than to call me ‘Your Highness.’ Margaret and Jenna, it’s a pleasure as always to see you. How is my goddaughter?” David’s mother didn’t allow Dr. Evans to kiss her hand and greeted the other two Evanses with hugs. David arranged himself into the back of the room and vacated his seat for Jenna.

“I’m doing well, ma’am,” Jenna answered, trying to hide behind her father as she spoke to the Princess Royal.

“Just like your father. Cease using such formal language with me. It’s Auntie Charlotte. Now tell me about your pointe classes and what variations you’re studying.”

The mixed company spoke about Jenna’s studies and made small talk as the performance began. David mingled with Dr. Evans and learned some ballet basics from Jenna.Was Clara about the same age when she knew she wanted to be a professional ballerina?The Royal Ballet’s orchestra warmed up their instruments, signaling to the audience to take their seats.

David discreetly scanned the side of the stage looking for any sign of Clara. To his disappointment, all he observed were the red velvet curtains blocking any audience members from seeing any semblance of what went on backstage.Ah man, just like the opera.He couldn’t see a darned thing. Doc Evans seemed to enjoy his disappointment. Was he being too obvious?

His thoughts broke as the conductor entered the orchestra pit to a large round of applause. Glancing around the theater, David was surprised to see it was full and that the demographic of the audience seemed to have a drastic range.

When he had come to the Opera House to seeLa Bohemethree months ago, the audience members were largely elderly patrons. Tonight he saw small children, young adults, and older couples. He saw patrons in a wide array of attire from suits to dress slacks. When he attended on his own, he bought seats in the stalls or balcony. David stuck with viewing matinee performances. Tonight he was in the royal box, and he could feel quite a few eyes on him. It was a well-established game for him.

David took pleasure in trying to blend in as much as possible. In fact, his security team often took bets on if he would be recognized or not. Tonight, at least, he wouldn’t have to bother waking up George after the performance. How he could find opera so dull, David would never know.George, his security head, always traded places with one of the other team members and preferred to nap away the performance in the car park.
