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The house lights finally fell, and the eyes of the audience turned to the stage.Clara, I promise I won’t fall asleep on you this time. In fact, I think I’ll actually enjoy the ballet tonight.The MC walked onto the stage. In a heavy accent he began, “Thank you for attending this evening’sWorld of Stars Ballet Galaperformance. Tonight you will see the brightest of gems of the ballet world. We are happy to present a variety of performances from the best companies around the world. I hope you enjoy very much! There is one change in program to announce. Clara Little, soloist of Los Angeles Ballet Theater replaces Maria Tsukyskia from Bolshoi Ballet.”

David looked up in eager anticipation to the stage as Clara’s name was announced. The audience offered polite applause.Why is the audience so lackluster? Don’t they want to see Clara dance?David’s leg bounced up and down with nervous excitement.

The MC left the stage. The audience applauded as the house lights darkened. The orchestra took up their instruments and began playing the overture toSwan Lakeas the curtains opened. David squinted, trying to take in the dancer’s faces, searching for Clara. He felt embarrassed at having to look at his program to see who the dancers were between each number. By the third performance, Jenna took pity on David and offered him her opera glasses. He knew Clara hadn’t danced yet. Why did he keep searching the stage for her?

Jenna’s eyes lit up as she commented to David on which costumes she enjoyed and gave him insider tips on the who’s who of the ballet world. He had so much to learn before dinner with Clara. If he met Jenna for breakfast, maybe she wouldn’t mind smartening him up a bit.Who knew there was so much more to ballet than just tutus and toe shoes?

Finally, it was Clara’s turn. David twisted his rolled program to release his anxiety.Is she as nervous as I am for her?

David sensed the audience collectively holding their breath, not knowing what to expect. The program inserts held Clara’s name, but the majority of the audience had never heard of her. From his mother, David had learned it was almost unheard of for a soloist from a small company to be gifted with an opportunity to dance with so many well-known ballet dancers.

Clara and Anton were announced to a roaring applause. “Anton is the premier dancer at Royal Ballet,” Jenna whispered into David’s ear. “Everyone dreams about dancing with him. Clara Little is so lucky.”So Anton is who the audience is clapping for.

It was silent and then the first few chords ofThe Sleeping Beauty“Wedding Pas de Deux” began. David sat on the edge of his seat. Regally, Clara walked onto the stage at the same time Anton did. They walked around one another and made a small circle, grasping hands. She stepped up onto the tip of her pointe shoe, her expression that of someone in love. She looked so different, so poised and otherworldly. He hoped she was acting. Was she in love with this Anton character? Was she really injured? David cringed with each turn, hop, and movement she made afraid she would collapse at any moment. He clenched the armrests on his chair.

David released his breath as Jenna looked over, took his hand, squeezed it, and smiled. “You need to relax. Dance is an art to enjoy, not to be so stiff and worried over every movement.”

“You are wise beyond your years. Thank you,” David whispered back. Clara wasn’t just a performer, she was a storyteller. She moved in sync with the orchestra and used her body to tell Princess Aurora’s story.

David glanced over at his mother. He caught the deep respect in her eyes as she watched Clara perform. David was not able to judge the nuances Clara put into her dancing from watching, but if Clara impressed his mother, a balletophile, she must be among the elite level of world class dancers.Interesting. Mother is as captivated as I am.Clara had called herself a workaholic, like David. How long did she spend in the studio every day?David continued to ponder these thoughts while engrossed in the story of Princess Aurora.

Clara soakedin the atmosphere from the moment she stepped onto the stage. This was her time to enjoy the experience. Clara felt the energy of the audience and other dancers observing her. She felt like she belonged among them. She had nothing to prove and everything to gain.She poured every ounce of contentment and all of her raw, wild emotions into her performance. Clara felt she was Aurora. Aurora had been kept away from her parents for sixteen years, faced an evil sorceress, stuck a finger on a spinning wheel, and awoke to her prince. She experienced the same rollercoaster of emotions as Clara during her long, crazy day.

Clara was halfway through the first section ofThe Sleeping Beauty“Wedding Pas de Deux.” Mentally, she prepared herself for the upcoming fish dives. If done correctly, just before the end of the first set of partnering, they always made the audience gasp and applaud. Today, everything seemed to be going just right. Clara held herself off-balance, but trusted her much more experienced partner to guide her.You’ve done this enough. Let your muscle memory take over.She dived down and allowed Anton to lead her body onto his quad. The first two sets were just fine. Heading into the third fish dive she knew she was off, and both she and Anton heard a popping sound from her foot.

Clara didn’t have time to be horrified by the sound she had heard and pushed through the unknown. She didn’t want to break the spell and hoped the audience hadn’t heard it. She leaned harder than she should’ve into Anton’s leg. He was unprepared and stumbled just slightly.

You alright?” he mouthed to Clara as they made their almost final circle when his back was turned to the audience.

“Solid,” she replied.

On the last set of turns, Clara’s foot started to give. She wasn’t going to be able to save the turn sequence. Spur of the moment, Anton read her body language and muscled the turn, gripping the corset above her tutu tightly to completely hold her up.

The last note hit, she jumped up, and he caught her. Clara was proud of how much she had been able to fight through the performance. She was close to running on empty. However, she needed to get through the “Pas de Deus” solo section and the finale.Remember to pace yourself, Clara. Slow and steady finishes the race. It’s not a sprint. Focus on Aurora. Focus on the audience.The voices died down as Anton returned to the stage. The music changed from soft to a more powerful sound and hurried pace.

Anton jumped and turned in the air, showing his polished technique and phenomenal footwork. Clara watched from the wings trying to enjoy the moment.She wiped her forehead off, limping her way off the stage to where she hoped the audience couldn’t see her. Clara was tempted to sit on the floor, but knew that mentally, once she went down, she wouldn’t get up. There was a dull throb in her foot that continued to challenge her mental mind block. Clara paced the stage and pounded her legs to try to keep her muscles moving and warm. The last thing she needed was a muscle cramp.

The audience yelled, “Bravo!” in approval of their popular male premier dancer. She looked on and walked out as he panted and used his arms to express to the audience,If you think my performance was well done, wait until you see Aurora’s!

Clara took her spot in the center of the stage. The Aurora variation was well known for its steps and choreography. It was one of the most popular variations a younger dancer could learn. Clara refocused once again, using her childhood dream of performing on the Royal Ballet’s stage as her inspiration.Just breathe and listen to the plucking of the violins and lightness of the music.

In a minute it was over. She panted and tried to stand tall. Anton took his place and the two began the final ending sequences of the variation. Clara and Anton expertly “talked” onstage and somehow managed to change the direction and leg their final turns were on by sheer willpower.

Anton and Clara took their extended bows together. Up in the balcony, Clara could not be sure, but?…Is that David? Is he here for me?She didn’t have time to ponder the thoughts. Her focus was on taking care of her ailing body. The moment the curtain closed, Clara, in defeat, just about broke down. The sheer high of performing combined with the anxiety of her injury made her want to break down and have a good cry. “I didn’t think I would make it through tonight,” she admitted to Anton as she grudgingly allowed herself to be carried off the stage by him.

“I could feel you really fighting to hold the last balance and falling out of your last pirouette; it was a brilliant save, but I didn’t like the sound of that pop. I’m almost afraid to ask,ankle or knee?”

Clara answered point blank. “Foot and overstressed ankle. Hoping it’s not the Achilles.”

Both dancers looked down and could see that her ankle was swollen through her tights.

“I’m going to take you up to the physio’s room as soon as we’re done. We have a brilliant medical staff on hand.”

“What about the finale? I think I can manage one more go.” Clara attempted to wiggle out of Anton’s arms.

“No. You’re finished for the evening. I’ll carry you out in a shoulder sit. Think you can manage that?” Anton did not relinquish his grip on her as they prepared for the finale.

Clara nodded. “I feel guilty making you do all the work.”
