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“I’m glad I picked up a little something for you to wear tonight with your outfit. Mother mentioned purple but wouldn’t give me any other details.” David revealed a red Cartier bag and jewel case. “I thought this would match your dress.”

“David you really, really should not have gotten me anything.” Clara attempted to politely decline the jewelry. David kept pushing it toward her until she gave in.

“No returns allowed.” He smirked. Opening the signature red box, she pulled out a small, fine, platinum chain of amethyst flowers set into a bracelet. Each stone appeared in the shape of a different flower.

“David, you’re going to make me cry. It’s a good thing I wore stage makeup.” Clara fanned herself hoping the tears wouldn’t fall. Her eyes glistened, touched by David’s thoughtful gesture.

“When you are as beautiful inside and out, you deserve to be spoiled. You are my princess, Clar-Bear. I know you wanted to take this slowly, but I’m ready to take the next step. Are you?” Clara wasn’t sure how to react. Did she need time to consider his answer? Would she ever find a man who loved her the way David did?

Clara’s breathing hitched. “David, even if you were a poor shoemaker, you would make me the happiest woman in the world. I love your mind, your heart, and your gentle soul. I love your drive and your determination. I want to be with you forever and always, wherever life may take us.”

David remained quiet. He unlocked his seatbelt and crouched down awkwardly to the side as best he could, dropping down to a knee while grabbing the seat to keep from falling over. “We have known one another now for such a short time. I know in my heart I will never want another woman as I want you. Clara, this is the craziest thing I have ever done. Will you consider making this boring royal your partner in crime, for all of your days to come?”

“Did you just ask me to marry you?” Clara squealed, about to faint against the back of the car.

David nodded and opened a second Cartier jewelry bag. David pulled out a ring box and opened it, revealing a Welsh gold ring with a stunning amethyst instead of a diamond. It was simple and fit Clara to a tee.

“Yes, David. I will marry you. Now please get up and put on your seatbelt. You don’t have to pull such a stunt to prove you aren’t the boring royal.” Clara pulled at his tux to get him safely back into his seat. With no worries about the outside world, the two turned toward one another and shared a long kiss that left both of them breathless. They only broke apart as they approached the Royal Opera House.

“I have never been so spontaneous in my life. I swear to you, this wasn’t planned. I haven’t told a single person. It just felt like the right moment.” David straightened his tux again. Clara laughed and offered him a tissue from her clutch to wipe off the lipstick on David’s cheek, mouth, and neck. She was unsure how it had gotten so many places.

What is going to happen now?Clara hadn’t considered anything past the heat of the moment. “David. Can we keep this a secret? Can I wear this ring on my other finger? I don’t want to offend you. I’m ready to meet the press, but I’m not ready to share our secret with anyone yet. I want this to be ours.”

David kissed her hand and gently placed the ring on her right hand instead of her left. “Yes. You understand me in so many ways. This is our secret. Not a soul will need to know. I love you so much.”

“I love you more, my David, my prince.”

They initially agreedwith the plans of the Princess Royal to tell the press she was a guest of the royal family, representing the arts. That plan changed. As a new, secretly engaged couple, the two decided to tell the press they were dating, if asked. At the Royal Opera House, the car arrived in the underground garage where they were escorted to the front. Clara took a breath. This was it.

Her first time being photographed on the red carpet. She walked with an usher from the Opera House, posing for the photographers, smiling as best she could with her crutches. The paparazzi didn’t seem too keen on her. Clara was thankful. When she reached the entrance of the carpet, she was whisked inside.

The Princess Royal arrived just as David prepared to make his walk. They made their appearance and caused a frenzy. Clara watched from one of the interior glass windows, soaking it all in. Flashbulbs galore photographed them from multiple angles. The flashes were so bright it made the dark night appear to be almost daylight. She understood why celebrities opted for sunglasses. The press screamed his name, baiting them.So this is what amildnight is like. This is what I’m getting myself into.She hoped she could stay strong enough.

The atmosphere was much different from her performance at the gala and the LABT regulars. From inside, Clara observed the coat check area, the reception area, gift shop, and the snack bar. The usher was kind enough to bring her a glass of champagne. Being inside the theater as an incognito audience member was a rare treat. The Royal Ballet audience, from her observations, seemed to be well-informed of the ballet and the dancers.

At LABT, the audience seemed to care more about being seen and kept their focus on their phones even though it wasn’t polite etiquette. Maybe it had to do with the differences between European and American culture. From her musings, Clara was finally escorted up to the special room reserved for higher-ranking guests and royalty, not far from where she assumed the Royal Box to be.

Clara was introduced to many members on the Royal Ballet’s board and the artistic director as she waited for David and his mother to rejoin her. All enthusiastically greeted Clara,asked how she was feeling, and complimented her on her performance from the gala’s “Wedding Pas de Deux.” David snuck in relatively quietly and she caught him observing her mingling with those around her. The Princess Royal, as the patron of the Royal Ballet, made the rounds speaking with the high-level donors.

The bell rang inside, signaling the audience to prepare to take their seats. David walked up to Clara and offered to push her up to her seat. Clara had opted for comfort and forewent the crutches for the evening after the red carpet. With a long dress, she was asking for trouble. She’d never know how she managed to be so graceful outside. Thankfully, nobody knew she almost tripped over herself a few times. Clara soaked in the stalls and plush red velvet interior of the theater.

The Royal Box wasn’t typically utilized, and the audience buzzed with excitement to see who was attending tonight’s performance. It was strange, seeing opera glasses up toward the box.

“Miss Little, good to see you again. How did you find the arrival to the theater?” inquired the Princess Royal, greeting her guest for the first time that evening.

“Thank you again for inviting me, Your Highness. I am excited to seeOnegintonight,” Clara began. “The reception was exhilarating. To be able to walk along a red carpet has been a dream come true. It’s the first time I’ve seen so many cameras before.”

David’s mother nodded in approval. “You have captivated my David. This may be the first of many visits to the ballet with me. You had better call me Charlotte. I rarely have the opportunity to attend the ballet with a person so knowledgeable. David never attends with me. I have to drag him to any public events.”

“That’s not fair, Mother. I wasn’t knowledgeable about ballet. I didn’t know what I was missing out on. I attend some events with you. I just don’t enjoy the pageantry,” David attempted to defend himself.

“I feel like every opera glass is turned on us. Is it always like this?” Clara couldn’t stop staring.

“Unfortunately, yes. We royals attract a lot of attention. We are in a bubble, Miss Little. You must pretend to not be bothered by it and to not show it affecting you.” David’s mother offered her advice.

At 7:30 p.m., the house lights were lowered and the audience hushed. Attention turned to the ballet orchestra and company. The orchestra picked up their instruments, the conductor entered,and performance began.

The first act passed quickly. Clara greatly enjoyed catching David up on some of the storyline and dance basics. During intermission, Clara opted to stay in her seat. The kindly usher from earlier offered to bring her a few refreshments. Clara enjoyed asking the Princess Royal about some of her favorite ballets to view. During the second intermission, Clara was left to her own devices. The royals were in-demand. Well-wishers the Princess Royal typically attended to stopped by multiple times. David was pulled away by an unavoidable phone call. Clara really wished she could hide David’s phone from him. She knew he was working on last-minute details ahead of the foundation launch, but did he have to do it then?
